Yeah after my poor showing for all the Wednesday night action, I figured I need a lot more practice on this stuff!
I signed up for a couple more tournaments on the Thursday and actually went on in the first one, meaning it went overtime and I missed the 2nd one.
Sorry about that.
I stuck to my guns and folded AA, AK, and KK and kept some other rubbish.. not sure if its a solid plan moving forward, but was good to mix is up!
folding AA, AK, and KK and playing rubbish instead? very interesting strategy. i sure hope you're at my table next week, especially if there is still a bounty on your head.
Actually this strategy isn't that bad as it might seem. Just yesterday I regretted my not folding pocket kings preflop, cos I was beaten by pocket aces in the end. An it wasn't the first time for such an outcome, I must add. Considering what happens to your mood after such a fail(and also that we all there for fun, right?), I'd rather be folding AA, AK, KK and such, and playing with some rubbish(and winning with it occasionally!
), cos this way of playing is much more entertaining.
I have lost big with these combination (AA, AK, and KK ) numerous time. So having these hands always do not mean that you are going to win the hand. The worse for me are AQ and AJ. I play three free rolls almost everyday in and guess what I have made over 1mBTC only from playing the freerolls LOL Honestly speaking lately this is helping me to stay away from other sports betting gambling and the fun counts too.
So on those free rolls I have lost many times while having some of these above hands. Once I remember I lost an AA hand because other one had a KKK or JJJ I think.
Although we can lose with AA or KK, because, as @FOMA rightly pointed out, the chance of winning is far from being 100%:
odds wise, against any one random hand, these are the chance to win at showdown:
AA = 85.204%
KK = 82.396%
in my opinion(if seriously, if we want to win the game and not just have fun with it), you should never be afraid to go all-in with those hands on preflop, because it's like throwing away the advantage given to you by Lady Luck.
Normally, you will most likely win with anything above 99, and that's when 7 or 8 people besides you are sitting at the table. When it's 1 or 2 players your chances are even higher. The best pro poker players go all-in with
any pocket pair during a final heads-up showdown.(I know this cos I'm watching a lot of those games).
In the meanwhile we are having another great Bitcoin Talk Private Tournament tomorrow, thanks to @Steve. Don't forget to register in advance, guys, there's no late registration.
See you at the tables! Good luck!