We raised over $3,000 USD which is going to our chosen charity today.
The winner was Jeff, at 3.00
Ive paid out free bets to mitchr4, buwaytress, trofo, rohang, wendigo, aswath4. ( apologies if any spelling errors!!) Eden Hazard & morvillz7z pls ms me your sportsbet.io user names again. I know you have in the past, I apologise, I just can't find them.
Damn that's nice amount to give to the needy.
Anyway, sent you my username through pm
and thanks!
Jeff must be well known so good all the time playing poker won that one easily with the low odds you made up
Always chasing high odds eventhough I knew the result could be far from what expected.
Curious who's lost to Jeff in the last round ? Must be not you steve