Everyone is climbing up to the top and I am sliding down to the bottom. My best is top 5 and now down to 8th in the leader-board. It all started with a pick I missed in the round before last round. From the last two rounds my collection is only 15.5
I think I am losing my interest from the pool. It's obvious the recent performance of Liverpool is effecting my motivation.
do not be like that, your are still top 10, I am hoovering around position 45 from the beginning, and still not missing rounds, think that have not any position within top10 in a round
and last two rounds were a bit better, but far from any success in guessing exact scores
Superbru is actually sending mail after rounds where you were better than average, and I just found out that few rounds ago, since all my rounds before that were lower than average
but, nevertheless, it is just a game, I change my expectations from top 5 in the beginning, to be within better half till the end, not easy, but not impossible, currently on 36th
stay motivated, and Liverpool should too, it is not finished yet, we will beat City at Goodison to get your hopes back