Nah, trying to force them is the last thing that we want to do. We just want to keep it fair, and if somebody is in a different time zone and is sleeping at deadline time he's already at a disadvantage.
If in the future rounds we'll have just 1 question that carries a negative point, we risk that people might calculate and submit on Thursdays.
It really is hard to make these decisions on a case to case basis, and we don't want to make a rule in which submitting the answers late means an instant loss. We hope that we won't have to take that route, although even that would be more fair than this 'case per case' stuff that we are trying to keep in place just so that the penalties aren't too big for being a bit late.
My opinion is that a rule must be the same for all. If the rule says that answers for questions whose games have already started will be voided, they should be voided. In all competitions rules are there for a reason and if you start making exceptions, there will always be someone who thinks that he/she deserves an exception. It may sound hard, but it will be easier for you guys. There are a lot of us in the competition and you should make it easier for you to manage the competition.