I totally forgot about sending my try as well for fun, one of those days that slips by when you think about it all the time in the morning.
Meanwhile, my man mitch is the only guy who has a point from the semifinalists, (brave, brave pick against Barca, or just well-informed?). So I'm already sitting on a leading horse.
Other La Liga results bombed for me...
Random suggestion:
That NBA question on the surface looks really cool but as with tennis selections, always seems to end up in plenty of draws. Might need to "reward" additional bonus points (complicated but you know, maybe an excel formula). If fewer than 40% of total players pick a name/option that ends up being in there, that option also gets the player a point or half point in that H2H question? That encourages people to pick someone just on the fringes. ATM the risk is too high to not pick favourites.
Random off-topic:
@darxiaomi: Argentina's doing amazing things with peso. Should ask Steve to put a special on how high inflation can get by UCL final. On that note, I am sending you a PM