I was totally been lucky and unlucky in this round, considering the fact that laz roma and Newcastle killed my extra points with their game but at the other hands, I was lucky with the other Europa games...
This is no luck bro, you have a perfect record with five wins so far!
Congrats on great results but give rest of us a fighting chance.
Now, I have to include you. This was a good round for both of us. Cryptofrka also won so that leaves only Rikafip from Croatian gang not getting maximum points. Maybe I forgot someone but I think that should be it.
This is why everyone is calling you mafia corrupt2 team
Hey fellas, looks like another LMS massacre hahah. Use the last cheap rebuy and see you next week again.
It was a terrible LMS genocide but I was one of the lucky 8 who survived.
Is there already a chance we could have a LMS winner in one or two weeks time?