Nice calculation. Im terrible at spreadsheets, but i just made another experiment. I took the jump that BTC made from $5 to $1000 and projected by about 90, which puts us on the average price lately and to an hipotetical mark of $87,500 USD per BTC in a 'hope-not-too-distant' future
Also, i toyed with the factors. Instead selling when price doubles, i take a more defensive stance acting when price gets a 50% increase. And also defensive, when the system tells me to sell, i sell not a 10% stake, but a 15%. Lets say im not a complete convert :-)
The results are nice though. I breakeven sometime between BTC reaching about $1800. When BTC breaks the 10K USD mark, and all my friends start telling me "hey, you are rich now or what?" i will not, but i will have netted about $10K from the investment and i will keep a healthy 1,35 BTC. In the boom scenario, with BTC at $87K each, i have $41000 in my pocket and still have more than that in BTC, just in case we literally go to the moon. I didnt advance further because i firmly believe that not in 1 million, but in anything between $50,000/$100,000 per BTC, the world will have changed a lot, and one hamburger probably will cost $50. We will see. Hope this can be useful to someone.
Factor 1,50 Factor 15%
BTC Price Remaining BTC BTC Sold $ Value sold $ sold totalBTC $ Remaining Value All Holdings BTC+USD
5 450,00 5,00000000 0 0 0 2250 2250
675,00 4,25000000 0,75000000 $506,25 $337,50 2868,75 3206,25
1012,50 3,61250000 0,63750000 $645,47 $982,97 3657,65625 4640,625
1518,75 3,07062500 0,54187500 $822,97 $1.805,94 4663,511719 6469,453125
2278,13 2,61003125 0,46059375 $1.049,29 $2.855,23 5945,977441 8801,208984
3417,19 2,21852656 0,39150469 $1.337,84 $4.193,08 7581,121238 11774,19771
5125,78 1,88574758 0,33277898 $1.705,75 $5.898,83 9665,929578 15564,75832
7688,67 1,60288544 0,28286214 $2.174,83 $8.073,66 12324,06021 20397,72311
11533,01 1,36245263 0,24043282 $2.772,91 $10.846,58 15713,17677 26559,75322
17299,51 1,15808473 0,20436789 $3.535,46 $14.382,04 20034,30038 34416,3416
25949,27 0,98437202 0,17371271 $4.507,72 $18.889,76 25543,73299 44433,4918
38923,90 0,83671622 0,14765580 $5.747,34 $24.637,10 32568,25956 57205,35829
58385,85 0,71120879 0,12550743 $7.327,86 $31.964,96 41524,53094 73489,48807
87578,78 0,60452747 0,10668132 $9.343,02 $41.307,98 52943,77695 94251,75354
Raising the 1,50 raise of BTC to 2 or lowering the selling factor from 15% to 10% outputs really nice numbers to dream with :-)