Thanks. For the record, I also archived it.
No money should be a reason to take your life.
It's not only money, in the sense of "only money". It is Bitcoin. You know the difference, yes?
Moreover, you miss the point altogether. I would never kill myself over Bitcoin, in and of itself. However, in the abstract, suicide is always a potential remedy for blameworthy poor decisions that cause catastrophic results. I obviously made some poor decisions, for which I justifiably blame myself. Losing my BTC would be a catastrophic result.
[Edited to add, for clarity: If I lose my BTC, I will not necessarily kill myself. It depends how; for example, if I panic-dump Bitcoin when the bottom is already in, or when I can already survive any further dip, then there is a significant probability that I may kill myself. In many other scenarios, it is more likely that I would take the remedy of working hard to acquire more BTC. Right now, I am simply cracking some noir jokes about it - just as I am joking about becoming an alcoholic. It's funny, as long as I still have most of my BTC!]
To the contrary. There are many good reasons to commit suicide.
For example, suicide is a positive virtue for the type of filthy scum who claims that only criminals avoid address reuse (!), and that the only reason to avoid address reuse is to hide illegal activity (!!). His suicide would remove a pollution of this world, a shame to his ancestors, a cancer in the crypto-body, and an offensive stain in the sight of whatever gods may exist. It would be an unlimited moral and practical good, with no downsides.
For another example, suicide is obviously not only a virtue, but a moral obligation for those who short Bitcoin.
(Further politically correct nonsense will be ridiculed or ignored; and anyway, this is off-topic. Please redirect discussion to WO.)
Don't post such images. You are miseducating Newbies to have bad habits.
People should verify digital signatures themselves, not rely on screenshots. Or would you believe a "verification" screenshot from Craig Wright? Even Gavin needed more than a screenshot to be convinced - and he is either a liar colluding with CSW, or dumb as a brick; either way, he should kill himself. On the other hand, IIRC, didn't some idiot lawyers apparently accept screenshots of "verification" of digital signatures from CSW? STOP WITH THE SCREENSHOTS!