A signed message is always better, your post has been quoted for future reference.
May I ask why a signed message is needed now? I'm under the impression that its not needed. as I would only post a address which I own because I intend on signing it in the future if I lose access to my account. So why would I sign it now? unless I didnt know how to sign then there is no need and its a waste of time. Sorry if I sound rude I dont mean to come acroos that way
My address: 13kCT2Enw8hXoHienfBZWptXfGjzHoWdFr
Because if you can't sign later don't cry if you loose your ownership of you account. On some wallets you can not sign a message and that is important your to check it before, if you think that you can sign a message later no problem good luck.