The wager requirements are standard for the last few months, it was $2k per week but now the overall wager has to be over $3k in the last 7 days. The active chatting session and betting at the same time increase the chances of getting rain. Being eligible doesn't mean users will get rain due to increased traffic, more online users, lots of bots, etc.
Honestly these are not things that you should be aiming at to get something in return. As I have always said gamble the way you want to gamble and if you can earn something from it then it is great, if you are participating in anything because of it then it is great but at the end of the day if you are not going to be reaching those levels by playing the way you want to play and have to strain yourself financially and risk your bankroll just because you want to reach those numbers, then it would be a very wrong thing to do.
This is why I never check those type of promotions or rains or any marketing related stuff, I just get it if I deserve it, and if not I just move on.
I never really understood the need for rains to be given to players that wager a certain amount of money. I mean I am usually not above that limit and would never be above that limit so I have a bias towards this situation I get it, but seriously, isn't the amount too big? I am not a spammer, I am not here to get rains, I do not just register and wait for rain drops, I wouldn't do that and there are some people who would do that, isn't there a way to find the difference?
Right now, as a person who gambles around 400-500 dollars wagering amount per month, I am seen same as the guy who wagers none, or wagers 10 bucks per week, there should be a difference between me and a spammer. Having thousands of wagering requirement surely must be putting a lot of people like me out of contention for rain drops and I feel like that could be slightly unfair.