Stake announced about it in telegram channel as well and full information can be read read
here. So there will be 91 winners in the raffle, 1 take $100k and the other $900k will be split between 90 users. I'm not sure with the meaning of split here, but I guess the 90 winners will get $10k each. Earn your ticket now, who knows that 1 ticket can make you take one of the prizes?
I assumed it would be like first place 100k, second gets 50k, third gets 25k, and slowly diminishes with the latest ones getting few hundred at the very best. That may not be true, maybe you are right, but 90 people getting 10k each doesn't seem like proper way to rank it, like how could you do second getting the same as 90th? That seems like it should not be the way to do it, making it the top first and so forth would make it a lot more fair.
I hope that we would see more of these 1 million dollar stuff, it is definitely very good way to get it more famous and plus stake has been getting more and more famous and getting more betting, so I am sure they are earning more, which means they will be able to afford these type of stuff constantly.