Lots of meat on the bone.
Ledger Walelt intergration puts STRATIS in a limit top class of alts, only a select handful of alts have been able to partner with ledger wallet, the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum, so this is really another huge positive for the Stratis Project.
More good info on Tumblebit also. Its a blessing in disguise bitcoin has shot its bolt so early, this is going to be the last time you can buy stratis so cheap, make the most of it, listen to my Pro advice.
Stratis Weekly #10: http://stratisplatform.com/2016/12/22/stratis-on-poloniex-ledger-and-beyond-stratis-weekly-10/
Retweet: https://twitter.com/stratisplatform/status/812186711535079425
Medium: https://medium.com/@Stratisplatform/stratis-weekly-10-fce2a3b7bbc0#.y0ttd8xye
Huge things coming up for Stratis! Stratis is the future!