When I run these on my windows machine, I get disconnected from my internet after a few minutes of hashing. I have tried this many times now. It is something with these devices? as my dualminers and ants and BEs always ran for days and days without any issues like this. Any tips to fix this?
(I am using a usb adapter to connect to my wifi network at home)
Thats strange
any ideas Goodney?
Is your usb wifi adapter running on the same hub? Is there a power surge or something? Try plugging the wifi adapter into a different port.
Also it may be because your USB wifi adapter is being automatically turned off by windows for an unknown reason.
Go to Device Manager (Control Panel\System\Hardware\Device Manager), and find the hub the wifi adapter is plugged into. On the last tab called "Power Management", disable the tick that says "Allow the computer to turn this device off to save power". This should be the thing that fixes it. If not, whilst in Device Manager, go to Network Adapters, and select Properties on the wifi adapter, and turn off its power saving options there as well...
What is the name of your usb wifi adapter?
Could also try the new compiled version of bfgminer and see if you still get the same problem.