Though you'll end up losing the money you put up as a stake, but you'll still make more money. It wouldn't hurt you if you lost all of your profit to gambling because you got enjoyment out of it, but if you can manage to keep your initial capital secure and only risk the money you make after that, all the better. The initial money will at least still be available. However, the majority of gamblers are greedy; perhaps that is one of a gambler's characteristics.
Gambling people will realize that big losses are frustrating. here he will fix the system that was implemented yesterday but return the money that has been lost, it will only continue to be wasted. until he is tired of his position he will realize that playing gambling needs to be relaxed and does not have to be quick to make profits because it is the other way around. systems like you said can turn around greedily in the middle of the road, I've experienced this. the results collected in a few days can be lost because emotions happen again
Based from the poll, the number of voters who will stop playing the game is higher.
But I believe, in actual scenario, most of them will continue to play especially if you are still early in the game.
In this scenario, it depends on the player's financial capability and his goals for that session.
They said, they will be stopping early but can they really control the desire to play more?
Because the reason why the OP is experiencing such situation, because just like most, he continues to play despite earning good profits early in his game.