
Topic: ⚛️ SWAPS.ORG – TRADE NATIVE CRYPTO - XMR/BTC/ETH/ERC-20 - ON-CHAIN DEX ⚛️ - page 2. (Read 54552 times)

Activity: 0
Merit: 0
Hey Swaps Team, Is there like a competitor or sorts that I can check and compare the infrastructure of Swaps against?

Well, I suppose it depends on how you define competition.

In terms of a platform offering decentralized atomic swaps, may currently be unique in the space. However, the field of decentralized exchanges is rapidly evolving, and there may be other platforms in development that offer similar functionality.

It's also important to consider that decentralized exchanges and atomic swap technology are still in their early stages of development, and may not be as widely adopted as centralized exchanges. As such, the "competition" may be less about direct competitors and more about gaining market share and mindshare in the broader world of crypto.

I think the broader picture is that the cryptocurrency market is still relatively young and rapidly evolving. As new technologies and platforms emerge, there will be constant changes and shifts in the competitive landscape. The important thing is for projects like to stay ahead of the curve and continue to innovate, so they can capture a larger share of the market and bring decentralized atomic swaps to the mainstream. 👍
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
How does handle the privacy and security of secret hashes (i.e., pre-images) in atomic swap processes, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or privacy-focused cryptocurrencies?

Hmm. seeing this makes me wonder if Hashed Time-Locked Contracts or Point Time-Locked Contracts (adaptor signatures) are the tech in play here.

Not really my field, But i think PTLCs would be the way. It is better than HTLC when it comes to privacy, and is kinda more flexible. We have seen it work well on lightning Network. Hopefully, this works out too. This would make for a good discuss. Probably someone more informed can put me through (Wouldn't be bad to learn something new  Grin Grin)

You're right about the potential benefits of Point Time-Locked Contracts (PTLCs) over Hashed Time-Locked Contracts (HTLCs) when it comes to preserving privacy in atomic swaps. Using adaptor signatures in the PTLC setup can help keep the pre-images (secret hashes) private until they're needed. If is using PTLCs for its atomic swap processes, it could provide greater assurance of privacy for users and their sensitive data.

*Point Time-Locked Contracts:* PTLCs are an evolution of HTLCs that allow for the same atomic swap functionality, but without the need to reveal the pre-image until the contract is actually settled. This means that if the contract is not settled, the pre-image remains private, which can help to protect sensitive information.

*Adaptor Signatures:* Adaptor signatures are an important component of PTLCs, as they allow one party to commit to a specific pre-image without revealing it to the other party. This means that the pre-image can be kept secret until the contract is settled, which improves privacy and security.

*Privacy-Focused Cryptocurrencies:* PTLCs could potentially be used to support atomic swaps between privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, such as Monero or Zcash, which use techniques like ring signatures and zero-knowledge proofs to maintain privacy. This could help to preserve the anonymity of users and their transactions even when using atomic swaps.
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
How does handle the privacy and security of secret hashes (i.e., pre-images) in atomic swap processes, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or privacy-focused cryptocurrencies?

Hmm. seeing this makes me wonder if Hashed Time-Locked Contracts or Point Time-Locked Contracts (adaptor signatures) are the tech in play here.

Not really my field, But i think PTLCs would be the way. It is better than HTLC when it comes to privacy, and is kinda more flexible. We have seen it work well on lightning Network. Hopefully, this works out too. This would make for a good discuss. Probably someone more informed can put me through (Wouldn't be bad to learn something new  Grin Grin)
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
How does handle the privacy and security of secret hashes (i.e., pre-images) in atomic swap processes, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or privacy-focused cryptocurrencies?

Hmm. seeing this makes me wonder if Hashed Time-Locked Contracts or Point Time-Locked Contracts (adaptor signatures) are the tech in play here.

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
When next are we expecting a major announcement about the project? And would it be announced here?

Hello, we have a lineup of great announcements about the project coming soon. They will be announced on the Bitcoin atom site ( and on our telegram group (

Can Swaps handle high-frequency trading?

Yes, is optimized for high-frequency trading by minimizing latency and maximizing throughput via efficient backend infrastructure.

So, till now a bunch of questions about swaps and tecnology behind but lets move on to something more important. In order to run properly a pool i need to find some constants in the blockchain.cpp file for BCA. The thing is i only managed to find a couple of the in DEC  format which isnt a problem but the other ones are a bit difficult to find.
// Mainnet Configuration

config.primary.coin.mainnet = {};

config.primary.coin.mainnet.bech32 = 'bc';

config.primary.coin.mainnet.bip32 = {};

config.primary.coin.mainnet.bip32.public = Buffer.from('0488B21E', 'hex').readUInt32LE(0);

config.primary.coin.mainnet.bip32.private = Buffer.from('0488ADE4', 'hex').readUInt32LE(0);

[color=blue]config.primary.coin.mainnet.peerMagic = 'f9beb4d9';[/color]

[color=red]config.primary.coin.mainnet.pubKeyHash = Buffer.from('00', 'hex').readUInt8(0);
[color=red]config.primary.coin.mainnet.scriptHash = Buffer.from('05', 'hex').readUInt8(0);[/color]

[color=blue]config.primary.coin.mainnet.wif = Buffer.from('80', 'hex').readUInt8(0);
config.primary.coin.mainnet.coin = 'btc';

// Testnet Configuration

config.primary.coin.testnet = {};

config.primary.coin.testnet.bech32 = 'tb';

config.primary.coin.testnet.bip32 = {};

config.primary.coin.testnet.bip32.public = Buffer.from('043587CF', 'hex').readUInt32LE(0);

config.primary.coin.testnet.bip32.private = Buffer.from('04358394', 'hex').readUInt32LE(0);

[color=blue]config.primary.coin.testnet.peerMagic = '0b110907';[/color]

[color=red]config.primary.coin.testnet.pubKeyHash = Buffer.from('6F', 'hex').readUInt8(0);[/color]

[color=red]config.primary.coin.testnet.scriptHash = Buffer.from('C4', 'hex').readUInt8(0);
[color=blue]config.primary.coin.testnet.wif = Buffer.from('EF', 'hex').readUInt8(0);[/color]

config.primary.coin.testnet.coin = 'btc';

The red lines are easy to figure out but the one giving trouble are the blue ones. It would be awsome if you could point me in the right direction/file where i can find this info.

Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Hey Swaps Team, Is there like a competitor or sorts that I can check and compare the infrastructure of Swaps against?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
1. How does the platform handle user authentication and authorization, particularly in light of the decentralized nature of atomic swaps?
2. What measures are in place to prevent front-running or other forms of market manipulation on the platform?
3. How does ensure the privacy and confidentiality of user data, particularly in relation to atomic swaps and off-chain transactions?

This is a very interesting one. I look forward to the responses.

You're not the only one eager to have those questions answered.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
1. How does the platform handle user authentication and authorization, particularly in light of the decentralized nature of atomic swaps?
2. What measures are in place to prevent front-running or other forms of market manipulation on the platform?
3. How does ensure the privacy and confidentiality of user data, particularly in relation to atomic swaps and off-chain transactions?

This is a very interesting one. I look forward to the responses.
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
How does handle the privacy and security of secret hashes (i.e., pre-images) in atomic swap processes, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or privacy-focused cryptocurrencies?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. What are the key differences between hash-time locked contracts (HTLCs) and payment channels in the context of atomic swaps, and how does implement these technologies?
2. How does the platform handle fee calculations and rebalancing of liquidity pools in the context of atomic swaps, particularly in relation to fee splitting, slippage, and network congestion?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does ensure compatibility with different blockchain protocols and smart contract standards (e.g., Ethereum's ERC20, Binance's BEP20, etc.)?
2. What scalability and performance trade-offs are involved in implementing atomic swaps on the blockchain, and how does balance these trade-offs?
3. Are there any potential limitations or drawbacks of using atomic swaps for cryptocurrency trading, particularly in terms of liquidity, security, or decentralization?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does ensure that atomic swaps are executed efficiently and promptly, especially when dealing with large numbers of transactions or complex order types?
2. What steps are being taken to prevent failures or rollbacks during atomic swap processes, particularly in light of potential blockchain forks or network instability?
3. Are there any unique architectural or design considerations involved in building a DEX for atomic swaps that differ from traditional centralized or decentralized exchanges?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. What programming languages and frameworks are used to build and maintain the platform, and how does the team ensure code quality and maintainability?
2. How does the platform handle liquidity pools and order books, particularly in terms of managing liquidity and preventing slippage?
3. Are there any unique challenges or considerations involved in building a DEX specifically for atomic swaps, as opposed to other types of decentralized trading platforms?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does the platform handle user authentication and authorization, particularly in light of the decentralized nature of atomic swaps?
2. What measures are in place to prevent front-running or other forms of market manipulation on the platform?
3. How does ensure the privacy and confidentiality of user data, particularly in relation to atomic swaps and off-chain transactions?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does handle order matching and settlement in a decentralized manner, particularly in terms of on-chain vs. off-chain processes?
2. What cryptography or consensus mechanisms are used to secure transactions on the platform, and what security audits have been conducted to verify the platform's code?
3. Are there any plans to integrate with layer-2 solutions or other scalability protocols to enhance the platform's performance and efficiency?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does the team envision evolving in the future, both in terms of technology and user experience?
2. What is the team's long-term vision for and its role in shaping the future of decentralized finance (DeFi)?
3. Are there any unique features or innovations in the pipeline that set apart from other DEXs or crypto platforms?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. What steps are being taken to ensure that the platform remains resilient and resistant to hacks or exploits, particularly given the increased interest from hackers and malicious actors in the crypto space?
2. Does the team anticipate any potential interoperability challenges as more blockchain networks and tokens emerge? If so, how do they plan to address these issues?
3. Are there any plans to integrate with decentralized identity or reputation systems to help users build trust and transparency on the platform?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. What steps are being taken to educate users on the benefits and risks of atomic swaps and decentralized trading in general?
2. Does the team plan to incorporate any additional security features, such as multi-signature or cold storage options, to protect users' funds?
3. How does the team envision contributing to the larger crypto ecosystem and driving further mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. What steps are being taken to ensure the platform remains compliant with relevant regulations and laws, particularly in relation to money laundering and terrorism financing?
2. Does the team anticipate any potential scalability challenges as the platform's user base grows? If so, how do they plan to address these issues?
3. How does the team approach user support and community engagement, particularly in light of the importance of trust and transparency in the crypto world?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
1. How does ensure fair pricing and liquidity for its users, particularly in comparison to centralized exchanges?
2. Does the team plan to incorporate any sort of governance or voting mechanisms to allow users to have a say in the platform's future direction?
3. Are there any plans to integrate with other popular crypto wallets or services to enhance the user experience and convenience?
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