So at a certain point of time this behavior should stop, I think
Another problem is that it becomes more and more risky and as we saw getting free coins leaded many to lose everything, not talking about some possible side effects of replay attacks that I posted above, which is a new thing here given the number of forks
And yes, most of those forks are that easy, as I wrote let's see in 6 months what they have added (smart contracts, super hash algorithm, super proof of something, 1TB block size, 1 tx/ms, etc)
See their roadmaps (nothing is in there right now, except few lines modification of bitcoin core code), should you want to launch a fork I can help sending you my user guide
Regarding my tool I should encourage everybody to continue this mess instead, but no, thanks for your comment
I actually hope they do follow through, but I have to agree with you. The forking itself should not be that difficult, and having AT LEAST THAT at launch on github makes sense. If they're trying to have the various additional features in place before release, then they're turning down the eager assistance of the community, which does not make sense.
The only two things that make sense to me for waiting are, one, the code didn't work as expected and they're scratching their heads in embarassment and puzzlement. That's the benign one, and the one I'm hoping for.
Two, they have the mainnet going, now, and are mining the hell out of it in lieu of a premine. Doesn't take much to mine a chain with only three or four machines attached...
As for that guide, PM me. I'd be interested to learn A few people on this forum have claimed I'm a cloner for years. I've yet to make them not liars. Maybe it's time.
The guide does not exist in fact but thinking to write something about it (but it will be a parody), now you can see this again (and see the replay protection story too, if it's not there you can claim coins for a fork but then other coins can be moved without you knowing it)
And look at
As you can see adding a coin in the tool is just a matter of modifying ~10 parameters
I am simplifying a bit here, sometimes it's more complicate, the tool is complex but has been designed to allow to add coins easily (and be used easily)
Then you understand the global idea: you modify those parameters in bitcoin core code and you have a fork
There are no sensitive info here and I have already asked two or three times that Atom (and other forks) provide that information (+ a real transaction so I can check that everything is correct)
The fact that they don't do it does not help trusting them, since there are no technical difficulties, it's quite trivial
And if they premine they are doing it at the lowest difficulty, then it's easy, and if they are still syncing, then...
In short I don't see any "excuse" for them for not releasing the requested info at least and the code