Seems like KNC is hiring people, does this mean they will have better customer service?
There is nothing wrong with customer service, they work their socks off above and beyond the call of duty to answer all the emails. Sure they don't know every answer, but they're as new to the hardware as you are. There's a hell of a lot more happy customers, than unhappy.
Actually I'm only going by what I've read on the forums and even KNC's own forum. I'm baffled they don't even participate in their own forums daily. I don't get that at all. We know they can post just fine, because when Sam has something to say he posts it in the announcements area. I'm wondering who takes care of their forum? It has to be maintained by someone, right? Unless they just released it and let it go and don't monitor it all. Yea, I can't anything negative about their customer service, wrong choice of words...I think I just would like to see more presence of them here or at least in their own forums. For someone that spent $11k, I think they could at least chime in and say hello, no?
It's simple they are flat out working, nothings stopped. They haven't enough people for the forum. They aim to focus on their own forum at somepoint, but whoever it will be needs to know the product and scene inside and out and as with all the extra hands needed, this is a specialist subject which takes time to bring someone up to speed. Time is a luxury no one has available currently. There's loads of great ideas but priorities dictate the hardware , firmware and hosting needs to be complete first.
I pay attention to Bitcointalk as I enjoy it, Henrick prefers IRC - it's instant and he can just deal with what is in front of him there and then. I flat out refuse to enter KnC's forum. I've tried it a couple of times, but it's a) too much work and will take up too much time I don't have, b) I prefer Bitcointalk. It has more of that wild west frontier vibe. It's more entertaining for me. In any case for the most part once you work out who isn't a customer, and who is here, and ignore the chaff, and fake accounts the rest just falls into place. It's a community, people work things out, that's why you play with hardware, you're self confessed geeks in virgin territory. Geez you had no help, zero with Avalon, little with Bitfury and the rest rarely gave you a product to have help with. Bobsags idea earlier I'm game to try. I think that can be implemented and improve things.
I get a crazy amount of PMs daily, I can't answer all of them. When Sam was posting last pages with Q's grew by 10-20, with the fake accounts the abuse is just not worth it. There appear to be a few nasty individuals on the constant offensive and they are trying their hardest to disrupt and discredit. Backed the wrong horse, work for a competitor, pissed technology made their previous kit redundant, who knows, it was inevitable going to happen at somepoint, and it wasn't as if there wasn't enough evidence KnC were making a genuine go of delivering.
There's no way Sam, Andreas, Marcus, Michael, Henrick, Yann, or anyone else can spend time on here and focus on what else they have going on. Everyone get's up, works, goes to bed and comes back here. It's Sunday i'm in the office again, no weekend. I knew it wasn't going to subside after B1 delivery, but I cannot wait to attend some of the conferences coming up, I just want to stretch my legs for a bit. I think once B2 has shipped there will be some time to focus on some of these other things, but right now it's hard to hire people that won't slow the team down, ad there's no time to wait for someone to pick up the slack with another delivery so soon.