@KNC or @Bitcoinorama: Does this delay also apply to the upgrade modules? Will the shipping of the upgrade modules begin with, before or after shipping of regular november orders?
Guy's I'll be honest and say. If you have a November batch and want to take full advantage, I'd be sourcing 1200w PSUs.
I'd still avoid the Cosair HX Series. You'd prob be fine with a solid 1000w+.
We've been testing on the V850s still, but as I alluded to before they've been pushing these around and over 1000w and the PSUs are solid and have been taking the abuse, but if I were you with future firmware revisions and from what I've seen: 1200w Gold rated PSUs for November batch orders FTW please!
Hey, could you please elaborate on your reasoning, and also evaluate this power supply? Is your recommendation based on cost savings? Or is it necessary due to technical limitations?
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003J89V0A/ref=oh_details_o07_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I originally planned on using this, because I have it around. However, after reading some comments here, I'm thinking of purchasing a new kill-a-watt (old one broke) and a gold rated power supply per recommendations.
Firstly to finish addressing the original post. There is no delay on the upgrades they are shipping Monday. Everybody at the same time. That's been deemed the fairest option for all, except Marcus who had suddenly discovered the oversell and freaked out as he had to ensure enough components were available.
The PSU is due to the fact the November batch will be somewhat more hungry. We've improved the PCB layout, and changed a few components, and are pushing the chip harder.
October shipment was always about speed to market. As the units were finalised the day after delivery and the fact KnC had to play devils advocate and assume someone else, may have a greater effect on the hashrate sooner as other products were apparently planned for delivery, it was deemed more crucial that the first shipment was in the hands of customers sooner, rather than later.
That said certain team members have been allocated to improving the design based upon issues that arose and feedback received, also some of the margins could be removed as confidence with the chip has increased.
These machines also run a little hotter, so bare that in mind. Nothing for you to worry about w.r.t. to product cooling, those heatsinks are finally being warmed up a little, and if you live in a cooler climate this winter, say in Scandinavia
, i'm sure you'll be grateful, but it's something to consider, these chips are being pushed, so expect heat as a by product and perhaps a little more noise as auxiliary components have to work a little more.
That said we are still using Coolermaster V850s and none have yet died, and they have been pushed past 1000w, they do tend to wake up and provide a more vocal ambient fan noise, but I wouldn't bet on them being a long term solution, so something beefier would be advise. Stick to 80+ Gold. Can't say 1000w is sufficient as i've seen machines goto 1050w, and i cannot predict what else the software engineers have in mind for the hardware. As such I cannot officially say anything other than you need a PSU greater than 1000W, which takes you into 1200W territory. Go for what you know, but again cannot recommend the Corsair HX series, and unfortunately there is no time to check every PSU on the market, unless you don't mind waiting a few more months, which I doubt, as minutes appears to be beyond the realms of reasonable delay here...
I'd be inclined to go with;
http://www.coolermaster.com/product/Detail/powersupply/silent-pro-gold/silent-pro-gold-1200w.htmlKnC I believe will be using 2 x v850s for the hosting guys, for sure because the boards are modular you have that option of powering the machine with 2 PSUs.
Hope that helps.
Thanks. Gave me some food for thought. Looks like I will go get a new power supply. Perhaps KNC should change their PS recommendations? Also, I thought the power usage was going to be 1W per GH/s. I haven't been keeping up with the news.