So far my Saturn seems improved in regards to flushwork and WU....I still have a high HW error rate, maybe slightly higher even...but at this point i am happier....30 mins in....will check back later.
Mining Status
CGMiner Status Running (pid=1735)
Last Checked Wed Oct 23 15:22:26 UTC 2013
Avg. Hash Rate 257 Gh/s
Difficulty Accepted 261,376
Difficulty Rejected 7,168 (2.1 %)
Hardware Errors 74,775 (18.0 %)
WU 4,058
Difficulty Stale 0
Network Blocks 19
Pool Rejected 2.7 %
Pool Stale 0
Best Share 946,168
Found Blocks 0
The hardware error rate is killing me, seems that no matter what firmware I use, some firmware lowers the WU but improves the error rate, and others raise the WU but increase the error rate......most of my cores are running and flushwork is better.
Any ideas on why such a high error rate??
I don't really care about the error rate. I only look my hash rate @ the pool.
257GH/s on CGminer = 225GH/s on server