Can someone send picture how we need to perfect connect Titan miner 2nd batch ? Dont want to make mistake cause composents seem to be a little bit cheap? Thank you
as to ribbon cables look for kinks and they are put in the right to Y cables make sure you got yours from KNC if not get some have to get 16awg wire
that goes for PSU's as well ....or else you will have overheat issues w/o Y cables and w/o at least 16awg wire..and again make sure KNC sends them if not.... you HAVE
TO have these...or you will have fire/burnt connector issues (if you don't get any buy some 16awg only) you will need 4 per titan..again if you don't get Y cables you
can contact CABLEZ here on bitcointalk ..he is legit you can get the length you want as well at 16awg and pay via paypal if you want the safety....just search the
name here on bitcointalk and pm him
make sure you have the proper psu's (me i use a 1200i corsair 1 to each PSU a 220v line to each PSU) thses are 16awg wires a must have on a psu
I'd get these 220v surge protectors (they come with cable from unit to your need to pick the 220v plug you prefer from the surge protector to the wall and purchase) had a wicked storm Dec 2014 brown out city like 4 every min or two for 1/2 and hour ...really bad ...flew home and shut off damage ..i doubt that
would have been the case with this rapid cycling of brown outs w/o the surge protectors above
not sure if this matters anymore but i would REPLACE anything that was NOT a class 10 miniSD myself ...had issues (mine came with Kingsington 4gb class 4 junk.... yech!)
I only use Sandisk 8gb Class 10 miniSD cards....I use this guy on ebay works really well and are new at what I think is a good price 'used to' do a complete image re-do on each upgrade and that way if it went funky i could just put the old SD back in ...but likely 2.00 is the last firmware upgrade
so probably is not needed...if nothing else I'd make an SD backup of the firmware 2.00 image and if something dorks up with the SD card you can do a quick swap w/o
a lot of downtime with the backup SD card
here is my setup
notice the tempered glass under the units...from some dressers i had around...just in case ...not like they are a fire hazard or anything...(heh i made a funny)..just in case....
link to my imgur page with more pics below...closer detail on how the ribbons go and i have the cubes arranged. the Titans seem to like to run a bit HOT so a warm room of 80F say in the basement is no big deal (say it is in midwest usa 90F outside would be 80F basement)
I plan on putting up some attic gable fans using plywood in windows above my setup in the push air out and draw thru open windows from rest of the basement
I have time yet for that .....these fans are thermo controlled and at menards reason for plywood is that I'l need a seal around the fans to keep out insects etc..may be able to use screen or at worse have to add a shutter to the fan on the out take
don't need it yet but will by say end of May 2015
so it goes..when miner goes away this will go back to a workbench with 3 220v lines to it i guess .....heh...... notice also the closet shelfing for the psu's below was added
anyway wish home mininng could continue...but alas when these mine to doorstop status ..back to the workbench.....
only othe thing i can think of is for the heck of it I got a proper raspberry pi B+ model ...folk were having issues with them arriving access to that would be
helpful if the unit arrives broke ..others on here probably have more specfic advices.....
only other thing is on the link above you dig thru titan album you can get some cheap laptops that won't run anything beyond windows XP anymore and use them for
putty.exe ssh into the Titans to watch them mine etc.....I use UNBUNTU 14.02 is the latest that can run on the really old laptops you see...(they were laying around here)
really slick easy to install ...go to software folder on the side after install type in putty finds it install it and viola you can monitor the titans as you see on my bsmt setup
anyway good luck ..others on here probably have more specific info on what to do it the raspberry Pi dies or on best adv page setup etc....I would say that once all is
working well run them up from 300 on adv page to 325 see if the cubes all work...if you have die issues not working...well make another post that will be a whole nother
deal..but mine (i have 2 dead dies 1 to a cube each out of 8 cubes) could not tweak have shut off I get an even 650.1mh out of the works ...which is more then I should get.
..but anyway if it works good at 300mh I'd try them at 325 on adv everything but the 2 dead dies is maxed out at 325....
anyway again others with more expertise (there are many) will continue ..if you knew all the above at least the way I have the cubes setup etc seems to work ok
hope at least that helps