The titan survived v1.10 overnight without losing a cube like it did after a couple of hours yesterday.
Here are stats solo mining LTC via nomp and a local litecoind, @325 on a machine with 1 dead die:
Block: ...74d24bbf #676944 Diff:41.6k (298.0G) Started: [13:34:05]
ST:21 F:0 NB:366 AS:0 BW:[146/441 B/s] E:0.26 I:40.81mBTC/hr BS:3.42k
4/4336 | 331.6/328.6/324.4Mh/s | A:164155 R:2774+0(1.7%) HW:4703/.47%
KNC 0: | 66.83/65.44/64.59Mh/s | A: 32533 R: 560+0(1.7%) HW: 918/.46%
KNC 1: | 88.08/87.65/86.58Mh/s | A: 43827 R: 718+0(1.6%) HW:1383/.52%
KNC 2: | 91.72/87.69/86.54Mh/s | A: 43851 R: 760+0(1.7%) HW:1283/.48%
KNC 3: | 81.93/87.84/86.74Mh/s | A: 43976 R: 736+0(1.6%) HW:1119/.42%
[2014-11-15 13:35:32] Accepted 00269f08 KNC 1chp pool 0 Diff 25m/23m
[2014-11-15 13:35:33] Accepted 0024e01b KNC 1chq pool 0 Diff 27m/23m
What is the last thing at night and the first thing in the morning I do now ? => check the cables for any sign of overheating.
Reject rates for 1.10 are lower than 1.05, which IIRC varied around 4-5% in the same application.
Unfortunately until KNC gets fast block time coins and p2pool mining under control, it doesn't look they have met their promise of shipping a miner suitable for 'any scrypt application'.
mines running at 303gh to 308gh according to LTC/Dodge pool....bought the unit to be an 'alt coin miner' jokes on me it only does LTC kinda/sorta
as for upgrading to 1.10 I can't figure out how it is managing to get over 300mh in that I have 1 die OFF and the die next to it on asic #3 as well with voltage
fluctuations.....from 39 to 5 the other cubes imho have to be taking up more slack then they should in some manner...above and beyond average go
with the luck I have with that I guess
so I'll wait....anything over 300mh with these Titan units is a frigging miracle it seems to me...and (correct me if I'm wrong) for MAYBE getting it up another say 20mh or so
or the risk of bricking upgrading to 1.10 now.....I'll wait till some universal praise on the next upgrade hopefully (hey a guy can dream) then the odds will improve
by the by LTC/Dodge pool question..
I put as recommended 8192 in difficulty for LTC/dodge spot on the worker page (an edit) never really seemed to do anything ..but never hurt anything
either it seems on any power up/down/etc the advance page shows diff starting from 0 so it has not managed to crash in 2 days so the advanced
page the Titan kinda blasted past 8192 to now at 8507....should I REMOVE the difficulty on that worker spot on back to 0 ?
...or do others see this also with their miners ?
just want to make sure this is a 'non-issue' don't want to leave 8192 in there if it limits something something
...but so far ...the input of such seems to make no difference at all
assuming the above is correct ..anyone higher then 8507 on ltc/dodge ..if so how high have people gotten?
well ...saturday ...will make me some backup SD cards with 1.05 and 1.10 firmware just in case....(good to have goals) for if/when or next upgrade
I try yet again in the thrilling saga week to week....'will he brick his titan" tm
anyway ...boring is good......i'll go with that hopefully some further tweaks will come to firmware this week (hey again a guy can dream....)