v1.10 is borked for fast block time coins and probably p2pool. Just tested solo mining VIA.
Seems ok for solo mining LTC using nomp. R:% is still settling. This is on a machine @325 with 1 dead die -->
Block: ...35c1d402 #676557 Diff:41.6k (298.0G) Started: [22:30:56]
ST:21 F:0 NB:23 AS:0 BW:[141/431 B/s] E:0.26 I:39.23mBTC/hr BS:492
4/4075 | 331.1/327.0/314.6Mh/s | A:7964 R:352+0(4.2%) HW:246/.49%
KNC 0: | 72.70/66.16/63.97Mh/s | A:1664 R: 67+0(3.9%) HW: 40/.39%
KNC 1: | 86.40/87.61/84.96Mh/s | A:2143 R: 77+0(3.5%) HW: 67/.49%
KNC 2: | 85.28/86.60/82.76Mh/s | A:2065 R:105+0(4.8%) HW: 66/.49%
KNC 3: | 85.84/86.71/82.98Mh/s | A:2120 R:103+0(4.6%) HW: 73/.54%
We're seeing some anomalous behavior with respect to flushes, rejects and stale shares whose cause isn't completely clear at this time.
Upgrade from v1.05 went without mishap.
[EDIT] Spoke too soon. Just had an entire cube go offline -->
Block: ...2a0490f9 #676577 Diff:41.6k (298.0G) Started: [23:19:57]
ST:21 F:0 NB:2 AS:0 BW:[121/334 B/s] E:0.25 I:30.39mBTC/hr BS:6
3/588 | 241.0/225.2/223.9Mh/s | A:431 R:9+0(2.0%) HW:13/.53%
KNC 0: | 66.27/63.94/63.94Mh/s | A:138 R:2+0(1.4%) HW: 2/.30%
KNC 1: | 95.91/84.53/84.84Mh/s | A:151 R:2+0(1.3%) HW: 6/.64%
KNC 2: | 84.45/81.22/79.54Mh/s | A:150 R:5+0(3.2%) HW: 5/.56%
[2014-11-14 23:22:11] Accepted 001a13a6 KNC 0bjl pool 0 Diff 38m/23m
A power cycle recovered it. 1.10 is totally borked. I'm backing out to 1.05. POS Titan.
Thanks for this post was gonna upgrade to v 1.10 but if I can only do the
www.ghash.io LTC/Dodge pool anyway ..my motivation kinda wained
right now (I have 3 cubes that seem to be 'OVERCOMPENSATING' from their KNC parents and hashing well beyond what they should be
and with 1 cube with 1 DIE off...got 308gh yesterday on
www.ghash.io so i'm kinda shocked.... an another die same cube with intermittent voltage problems
to boot it should not be doing this well....
..so heck...it is a frigging miracle
with 1 die dorked and the other die on that same cube dropping voltage I'm getting these hash rates imho
(have not looked into such could probably play power down tweaks etc...but would prefer to do that if/when
I got v 1.10 up and stable ..on crisis at a time or will add dead cubes power down issues to this miner.
...was waiting to upgrade to 1.10 etc but kinda seeing the horror stories on what you said above and the need to reflash
SD cards ..now you saying a cube is down....I'll wait..either for folks to have a fix/walk thru or whatever it is not like
with no refund KNC has any urge to act quickly imho
we have a major snowstorm coming...if the power goes done MAYBE I will play with cubes some on restart....(sad have to wait for an
act of nature to have a power off on the miner ....due to issues with firmware on power up and down)
but no idea why it is hashing that high with 1 die down and 1 die flaky .....yesterday the ave was 308mh ..wtf go with the flow...
so will instead FLASH the 2 Sandisk 8gb class 10's I was able to find at best buy for $12.99 the last 2..wallmart/target/etc zippo none but 50 buck
32gb off brands...so lucked out there always plenty to do for prepping the Titan ("hey I"m a doomsday KNC asic prepper should get a TV show)
figure it is just a matter of time till I get a reboot and see the "bright white light that never goes off" beam of miner trying to morph to brick and at
that point ..may as well have some SD cards ready to go...should that be the case....
still think working with these Titans is like trying to juggle 'hummingbirds'
on and yesterday in a public post (see
www.kncminer.com forums) Keith (tech support staff) said that multipools work just fine with v1.05
so yeah.......much double speak in KNC land...posted the day before 1.10 annoucement
and for all of us who thought we were buying a state of the art 'ALT COIN MINER' so sorry everyone....it is now a half assed kinda sorta works
LITECOIN miner...but too bad....KNC says... no refunds.....don't let the door hit you in the ass as leave the building
hope the guys doing the litigation/lawyers/class action and such are keeping notes on these threads
anyway suggest everyone make a SD copy of 1.05 and 1.10 on some SD cards....just in case when/if it goes dorky or you feel it is kinda safe
to upgrade I plan on yanking the card out on the upgrade in case i have to go backwards and just flash a new card...
again thanks for above post ..will sit on hands a bit longer (never a bad policy if the miner is running in some manner beyond your expectations.....low
thou they may be..) see what develops on fixes by customers or work rounds the rest of the weekend