Update#2I will bring a powermeter with me, just in case. Good idea with the audio recording. Here in Sweden you don't need to ask for permission as long as you partake in the conversation but it is polite to ask.
Photos/Videos (I'll try to include objects for distance-reference) * Mars unit hashing
* Mars without a cover/case …shots of the internals if possible
* Hashing results in the software client
* The power supply attached
* A meter read of the power draw at the outlet – hopefully they’ll provide a monitor, or do you have one you could bring?
Questions1) Is this demo unit built on the final design revision that we’ll see used at the time of full-scale production?
2) When will Mars begin production, if it hasn’t already?
3) Has any development work yet begun on the ASIC modules?
4) (If you’re not able to get a wattage reading from a meter)What is the power consumption on the Mars device?
5) What is the projected power consumption of the Saturn/Jupiter?
6) Do you plan on discontinuing the Mars BTC miners by a certain date or a quantity sold? (See https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.2200152)7) With this modular design, how will the ASIC units be interfaced with each other, considering that additional devices may be added at a later time?
8 ) Will these connected ASIC devices use a single shared network connection? What about the power?
9) Why only 50.000SEK in capital? (about 5500 EUR, not even funny considering there are so many founders. no penalty for failure, so not much of an incentive for success either)
#9 I also saw in the thread that people think my business with Andreas has a value of 5000EUR. That is the price it costs to register an AB(limited company)
But we do need clarification on when funds are required from us and whether delivery is guaranteed inside of designated buyer complaint periods given by the chosen payment methods, I.e. assurance that payment is made no earlier than 45 days before product is.
10) Who pays for this really, how?
11) Debt incurred? how much, how long?
12) Why no ORSoC ppl on the board or directors? (not even deputy directors, only K/C wives or family?) (See https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.2200152)13) Is there an employee payroll or just founders?
14) Why start K&C AB as a consulting/hosting firm with the ORSoC ppl aboard?
15) K&C AB focus on miners or hosting/consulting?
16) Where is the real office? K's house, C's house, K & C AB office, another one??
17) What about security (data/facilities)? (why self host? no datacenters?) Disaster recovery plans? [careful, no specifics]
18)What about patents? Potential lawsuits? (are they insured against this?)
19)Are the founders insured? Does the insurance money cover losses/refunds? Is the company the beneficiary or not?
20)Expecting more sale outside of Sweden than in, can they finance the VAT in-between tax return periods? (See https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.2200152)21) Project % completion?
22) How much of the production will be financed by preorders? (possible corollary: why not more seed capital?)
23) Obviously with the Swedes' worshiping the semi-permanent sunlight they get for the summer months causing an acknowledged lackluster in productivity (according to JJ), will this in anyway affect the design and manufacture of their Saturn and Jupiter miners? And, what realistically, are the chances of having those devices delivered in September?
24) How can you be confident this will happen when both BFL and apparently Avalon have had issues delaying their production beyond reasonable expectations?
25) Most important can they meet the September 2013 dateline. When is the 350gh/s Asic prototype Miner going to be out? July 2013??
26) Will KNCMiner support P2Pool mining?
27) Given the five way partnership with three from OrSoc and with their experience of FPGAs and ASICs in the past, how will they achieve their technical goals and how long will it take?
28) Are there any potential third party hiccups that are likely to delay anything?
29) What projects of similar kind have they completed before?
Other1) Where are you? Office / Workroom / Lab …?[/li][/list]
2) What else is around? Desks (with phones? ..how many?) / Workstations / Machinery …?
3) Who, specifically, is in attendance at this meeting? Do you see other people around as well?
4) How much noise does the Mars device produce? ..perhaps think of something comparative
5) Do you feel much heat radiation from the Mars unit?