Quick question: Did you read the IPO terms ?
Quick answer: I skimmed through it. Why?
Which statements?
But how does that change the fact that datatank is offering $0.93/gh and $0.025/kwh where as you are offering $0.85/gh and ~$0.25/kwh starting 3 months later?
Apples and Oranges. The electricity cost is simply the locale. Fill a DT with RockerBox and you'll get much, much better numbers.
And as I've explained, you can get much, much, much, much better numbers with other cheap deployments methods.
Edit: And on a serious note. The affiliation between AC DT and AM is very loose. It was stated in the IPO for one reason only, get all AM fan boys buy another stock. Cynical but effective move. Working as we can see.