At this point int time KNC can not be trusted, here I posted a link to my other post: are taking forever with refunds, scammed super jupiter customers, and basically broken all of the promises they have made.
For more details follow the link above, some will agree with me some will not, but a lot of the things stated are facts not opinions.
I would want everyone to get a refund for several reason, the biggest one is once a company does not respect their own customers and breaks their own promises anything is possible, just look at the super jupiter customers.
What warranty do you have that Neptune will not turned out to be like a super jupiter, absolutely none, even getting a refund which was supposed to be a safe choice is now risky refunds are taking over 2 months in btc, and over 3 months in dollars based on what has been posted on the knc forum and this forum.
My personal recommendation is to get a refund soon before it is too late, it may be too late already we do not know that.
Once trust is broken there is no honor, once you get the neptune there will be no refunds, that is what knc did to super jupiter customers, what makes you think you are different than a supper jupiter customer? we are all the same, if the super jupiter customers got scammed, we could as well get scammed, I have already requested my refund, and have been waiting over a moth for it.
When refunds are delayed it is a very bad sign, intersango, cointerra, BFL and now KNC they have all delayed refund, and we know how the first 3 turned out to be, knc is following the same path.
I did my duty in warning everyone in regards of KNC, hopefully I am wrong but all the evidence says otherwise.
I did warm people in regards gox unethical behavior in 2012, hopefully some listened, I was criticized back then by a few because mtgox was legit, I had no clue how bad things were and what would happen 2 years latter.
My warning against gox on this forum in 2012, was about unethical behavior, the scam back then, it was an anonymous site no id was required, no kyc rules, and then later in 2012 they started freezing withdraws on anonymous accounts, nothing wrong if they have a change in plans, but the problem was that customers did not have an option to opt out, like saying you changed the rules, now I am out, but instead by force they had to ID otherwise the money dollars or BTC were confiscated (not possible to withdraw), this was in 2012 approx, I would have to check my own post for exact date, it was the very first sign that things were wrong at mtgox, wrong from an ethical point of view, from a legal perceptive I do not know but I would think that was ilegal. As early as 2012 mtgox had experience in blocking withdraws.
I did try to warn people, most did not hear, probably a few did, most likely because mtgox grew exponentially, and since the anonymous accounts where only the really early ones, the only really affected by the first scam were an early generation of bitcoin users as mtgox grew this users became an increasingly small percentage, maybe some of the people that have been around here a lot can remember that first mtgox scam.
Now I am warning in regards KNC, a situation that is looking uglier each day that passes.