Pretty much everyone that got the Franken-Jupiter option got Franken-Fucked KNC style. It's looking like the best option is to have the boards repaired by somebody handy with a soldering iron.
These guys used to be so good, what the hell happened?
imho their are now 3 parts to KNC the investment group (brock pierce or whatever his name is the one saving gox) the chip mnfg as the other part of the equation partner
and the KNC guys SAM Cole etc
The chip guys in DEC or so said they simply could not get product out from chip to consumer product fast enough for difficulty rise (remember they too thought cointerra bfl and hashfast would come thru by Feb) thus the data hall plan was born and to justify they started the idea of plan btc price is high we are ambitious lets do both!
then BTC tanked from its nice 1250 high...the other mnfgs did not come thru on the hash and imho the chip part of knc and the investment group
(or it coulda been all of them) came around and said 'data farms' are the future...but then BTC fell down to 440 bucks ...i assume these big places
mine to USD directly can make a 'super sh*t load of cash" selling modules/more Jupiters etc to existing customers now that are competitors are stuck
in place
we can make a SUPER DUPER SUPER SUPER SH*T LOAD OF MONEY by just being the biggest baddest PH Farm in the world with this screw up of our competitors and us
keeping the equip to mine ourselves and don't offer upgrade modules/existing products in this gap to our 'loyal' customers..suck all that 28mm stuff ourselves while the
other competors lag and keep difficulty less then it would be otherwise
er IMHO if I had to be fair...whoever wanted us (customers) to be compensated fairly (hey give them a bone likely the knc group) imho got basically outvoted by the
money guys/investors and maybe the large chip mnfg part of KNC (or any combo there of) or heck they all coulda jumped into the pool with the devil who knows but
it was a massive change of direction and attitude toward us the consumers of their products imho.
Well at 440 a coin...Neptune refunds astronomical....something had to give...the 400 people who got frankenjupiters would likely have refunded sell them
used parts from the data hall replace eventually with Neptunes.. save $4,080,000 dollars at 10.2k per unit refunded otherwise..if the damn used parts would worked
been in a unit that could run them...and not shipped like crap this ploy likely would have gotten a ho hum out of the 400 buyers in that they were hashing out of the
box at 3TH alas it all fell thru..shipping and mnfg wise...and they simply CAN'T give them money for used parts they send back in the form of a refund that would
be silly...thus RMA tag ensues...
that and other stuff ...the slow slide probably has started
likely the above is a fantasy..but imho such a complete turn around from customer 1st to customers last something very drastic happened....the shock of $440 usd coin.
the expansion and Neptune process costs timeline was too much to ambitious ? or combo of all..greed....they became a Mexican soap opera ..... too much netflix and
House of Cards?
whatever it is ...we the customers left at the dock while KNC sails towards its new data hall island up north (soon to be followed imho by the rest of us dumped off when
they close down the consumer product wing completely and go straight private PH farm or virtual mining whatever...)
we will all looking for another 'legit" boat (be it briefly) in that this at one time good company went completely off the rails imho
(and I'm on the sidelines with only a Titan on order...ol course ordered it 2 weeks before KNC took a dump who was to know?)
but man this shuffle was faster then Charlie Sheen dumping the "Goddesses"
fhe fickle finger of fate once f*ck*d moves on!
(sigh it likely ain't gonna get any better equip mnfg pre-order trust wise in the future imho...and virtual mining is basically an asic cathouse with KNC as the pimp
if that is the future imho
so it goes