You forgot to mark the sentence "KNC really is mining to bail out Gox".
All I can read is that a group of investors is interested into Gox and offers 1 btc for it.
Nowhere it says they will pay for any losses at all.
What will happen is:
The investors are profiting from all the personal data about you stored in Gox's databases
The remaining company funds will be used to pay out what's left - a fraction of your lost BTC.
The only money they will invest is to keep up the daily work, to expand the business, develop new features and do some marketing.
They will never ever invest from their personal pockets 650.000 BTC to pay out all missing funds.
Thinking that KnC as a company, who are not even directly involved in this Investment, are willing to spend 90% of their company profits to pay out your lost Gox coins makes me wonder in what mental state you are.
These are separate pockets, even if there's one person coincidently connected to both KnC and Gox.
Back to KnCMiner's Big Picture.
KnC was founded by miners who where unhappy when they bought mining-hardware themselves, so they wanted to become their own manufacturer (statement from last yrs April or so). Plus banking background and the picture is complete. You make others pay your chip dev, manufacturing house and datorhalls then get rid of them.
*) limited batch1+2 and nothing else except a hand full of RMA-boards sold as upgrades (collect necessary fundings, but keep diff low)
*) controller boards with 6 ports for a 4 board miner (datacenter was plan A)
*) 'keep some coins handy' (do not buy from competition)
*) collect big money after implying trustworthiness and competence from Jupiter batch1+2 and
put it Q1 for second gen when it never was a real possibility (get more free loans)
*) mining against customers, so the customers are competition
*) refunding over time some with the profits made from Datorhall which has been built with Neptue preorder money
*) announcing an offer forcing the remaining, from an economical point of view, to refund (now they can keep it all themselves, less competition)
*) maybe some cash was still missing, so they did a Titan ponzi scheme, at the end there will be no Titan but a refund or conversion to neptune cloud
*) offering old hardware (400*18 boards) with 90 day warranty in order to replace it with 20nm tech (seems like dataorhall comes first). They will replace a row of 6 boards with 4 new Neptune boards (Jupiter: 18*400=7200; Neptune: 1200*4=4800).
I'm sure the 'soon' delivery means something else than everyone hopes who was going for this option..
now --> next week ---> very soon -----> soon ------> soonish -------> end of time
one must ponder what it is he is learning and who it is that will lose out from all this 'learning'
Ur name in lights while your customers all writhe in the agony you and your BFFs have laid upon them...
now if only you could snare a ladyfriend with all your dishonesty... what a catch you would be!