This all is a big smoke screen it seems. I'm trying to make sense out of it and am having av difficult time.
I have a batch 1 order. Wtf does this mean? I don't see how this info helps me make an intelligent decision... Do I hodl or bail and reinvest elsewhere?
I'll rewrite what I wrote earlier, to make it a little clearer.
KNC will already be hashing with all the machines they will need to give their 3600 neptune customers 3TH on 1st July. In fact, as I said earlier, it's probably a drop in the ocean in terms of what they plan to have at that time.
Come on! They aren't going to leave millions of dollars worth of machine powered off until 30th June 2014 and then turn them on at midnight!
Which means the customer appreciation batch will be just about as worthless as the batch 2(3), as all these machines will already be hashing, the bitcoin difficulty will have already adjusted/risen to account for these 3600 machines.
So instead of having a few weeks of mining and then seeing earnings decline (as with jupiter), you'll start out with the declined earnings and knc will have cleaned up any profits there was to be made beforehand!
Essentially, your neptunes are going to be pre-mined. You'll get it delivered at the highest difficulty ever seen. You won't be adding a 3TH machine to the global bitcoin hashrate, you'll just be re-attaching it when it's probably already been there for a couple of months.
In other words, knc will reap the benefits of your investment and all the bitcoins they can mine, then pass the leftovers at massive difficulty to people on 1st July. You are paying for that. The physical delivery of the product will just be to end any obligation to you and will most certainly be utterly useless hardware by the time it physically arrives. The cost to power it will probably be more than it can mine back.
And to think at one point I suspected you were a crazy conspiracy theorists. Tuens out you were right on.
Explains why the network difficulty has had such major increases while KNC and Cointerra weren't shipping. I knew antminers were selling fast, but yeah, there's out network protection plan, or for KNC a Netowk Pock Plan, just pocket their share of the network. Nice way to announce that they are completely screwing their early adopters by hashing well above 5% against them, just sell it to your "plan B" company and now they're a customer. Isn't "plan B" usually scrap the place and get out?