I've been mining since before September, but thank you for your concern. i'm not upset, I don't have any orders with KNC, but many here have begun noticing what I've been pointing out for awhile--MUCH less communication with the community that propped them up, the one thing they always promised not to fail in.
Vague answers isn't good communication, something they also claimed to detest long ago.
I've been saying the same thing for a long time...
KNC should be like "We would be nothing without the support you have given us. You trusted us with your cash and it allowed us to become millionaires. We are millionaires now and going to enjoy the best Xmas ever. We've made more money than we ever imagined! To say thanks, we are selling X at knocked down price of x. This offer is only available to October guys (ALL of you. We feel sorry now that we told some of you/treated some of you like second class customers), without which we would not be here. It's our way to say thanks. Sorry we were such greedy a-holes and didn't do better to help you when we shipped you faulty goods. That was our fault, not yours, and it's not right we made you pay extra for our mistakes. Now that we are millionaires, we are going to try harder not to be such greedy a-holes."
I hope I get a Xmas card from KNC saying as much! Or will they cheap out on that too?
And not just a crappy Merry Xmas email - a proper printed Xmas card, handsigned by the KNC millionaires club I helped create. Where is the KNC "we won't forget the support you have shown us" they promised to be when they wanted pre-order money back in June? Parasitic, greedy and liars? That's not good. They really need to start turning things around, because we know they took a dump in their pants last week when they finally saw the competition is not far away and poised to rocket past them. They won't get much customer loyalty in the long run if they continue to try to profiteer from their benefactors.
They didn't end up selling shit at a knocked down price, nor did I get a Xmas card from knc...
Let's face it - when a company hits the big time - they get corporate clients. What a relief too. knc hate their consumer customer base. They have projected that hate since at least mid October (N.B. even thought they don't sell to the general public - well, only in so far as they don't care to offer full 2 year consumer warranties. Have some second hand, used rma boards and if we are lucky they'll last to October and then tough luck...).
Now they can sell to corporate clients, who won't care too much if 15 of the 200 machines they recieve are faulty. Who needs those damn consumers with their "my rig doesn't work, please fix it" emails.