I think a Neptune at 3000 GH will ROI in BTC as long as it starts hashing at around a 5 billion difficulty.
We'll likely hit a difficulty of 5 billion sometime in late March / early April.
I think more like 15 to 20 billion. It looks to me like about a dozen companies are about to deliver before april.
All those noob miners and new btc users will also be creating "Dead Bitcoin days" driving the price up with a BTC shortage, as the usage increases, and the speculation increases..., which will save us in fiat returns.
Eventually, the transaction fees per block will also become a more significant value as the block sizes increase etc.... untill finally... After the last Bitcoin is issued, that's all that miners will have or need.... transaction fees.
Many good things to come in btc very soon.... Wells Fargo, Google, E-Bay, TigerDirect, PayPal, Borse, Forex, "Bitcoin ATM's", Campaign Donations, IRA's, Military and humanitarian aid, new exchanges popping up everywhere, and best of all, The Chairman of the Federal Reserve himself endorsed Bitcoin. Need I say more?
I see a future, where there is no "Checkout" in stores at all. The device on the product has either been paid for, or not.. by scanning the QRcode with your android Dick-Tracey watch.... Soon.
Everyone will have a BTC wallet on their phone.
No more digging for change on the bus, or toll roads, or parking meters, paid toilets, Phone booths, vending machines, McDonald's, and all those other annoying places you seem to have to dig for change!
No more bank or store robberies!
No more pickpockets.
Disability "checks" will be deposited on the 1st every month in btc.
Real-Estate transactions will clear escrow in minutes.
There will be no need for "ATM"s or banks for most.
"Checking accounts" will disappear, and those using old fiat will be under suspicion.
Remember that time your buddy went to Vegas, had a blast, brought a hooker to the room, fell asleep, and when he woke up, his wallet and a kidney were missing? That's not likely to happen any more... except for the kidney...hahaha.. except, this time, they track down the hooker, and your kidney, because her wallet recorded a block transmitted from your phone, which was traced via GPS.
Someday it will be embedded directly in your I.D. ...Remember NWO? ahemmm..., right along with a portion of the block-chain, and be solar or everlasting battery powered with built in retina scanners. Personalized advertisements will play on your phone or ID based on your past purchases and places you visit online as you walk around stores offering coupons and discounts.
This is just the beginning of the world's wealth re-distribution.
The blockchain will literally be transmitted pocket-to pocket(already happening), and some will find they've become sterile from being a wireless hotspot all the time.... lol
Just a year ago, a cashless society was a pipe-dream.... This is gonna be a wild ride!.....
and the name KnCminer will live to the end of time.Those with the most efficient miners will enjoy a residual income forever, which is probably why KNC is going hard at efficiency. Considering the rate of adaptation, and the rate at which coins are produced, leads me to one inevitable conclusion... HUGE price rises, ongoing, in waves, for years to come... Keep those coin folks. Facts be known, I could buy two brand new 2014 Subaru Foresters with the BTC I made from KNCMiner products, or a fixer-upper home... but I know better than to cut myself short by cashing them in.... all, and more than my original fiat has been removed from the pot too. It's pure profit from here on out....
May we all see our dreams come true... Good night all.
Greedy bastard. Buy your Subaru's , live life and have fun. You gonna sit on a hoard of bitcoin then become old and can't or unable to do anything anyway with it?
Watch the TV series called "Almost Human". They use and refer to bitcoin several times in that show but it is all in the light of underground and illegal activities. Still seen as a negative thing. And god the last people we need involved in bitcoin is anyone to do with the American financial institution. They'll either rob us all blind or just fuck everything up they put their hands on. I happen to believe most politicians or anyone that works for the government is completely corrupt. That's why there is such inequality in America now. When you beat down a dog often and long it will over time eventually come back and bite. This hasn't happened yet and probably won't while I'm alive but I would love to see it.