November jupiters pull around 850 watts, but a Neptune will be at least 5x as fast.
A Neptune is 30% more efficient, so a back of the napkin calculation shows that a Neptune at 3TH will draw around 3000w. If knc over delivers and the Neptune is 4TH, we're looking at some scary power draw numbers unless knc also over delivers on power efficiency.
I think you're right. I don't have a Nov. Jupiter. My Merc was very efficient and the add-on module less so but the two use 361watts at the wall. Using these numbers and a factor of 11x I get 3135 watts or 26amps@120VAC or 13.6amps@230VAC.
Using the first module as a guide, the more efficient, I get 2156watts - that's 70% of 22x the Merc.
My previous calculation of 2000watts was using the Merc stats. This is likely a mistake because at 20nm there will be a higher probability of an impurity triggering activity at a gate, misfiring, so higher errors which will draw power.