It's funny, but pretty much everyone who can't bear to look at the facts I present here and who is nasty towards me has pre-ordered a knobtune. Or seven.
How did they come to this excellent business decision? I'd say, they stuck their finger up their butt and took a sniff. If it stunk hard enough, they decided to pre-order a neptune.
Last week I challenged anyone who pre-ordered a knobtune to show me their numbers, their data, their projections, based on realistic difficulty, on why this was a sound investment? You know, some FACTS.No takers. It's obvious most people gambled and ordered blindly, based on the faulty image of knc being a "good" company.
KNC have fucked up multiple times, but as they never apologise or accept any responsibility, people seem to brain wash themselves into thinking knc are great. My experience is a constant reminder they aren't. And people are so fucked in the head they try to tell ME what I recieved and how much it was hashing! What kind of insane behaviour is that? Why do they need to maintain their delusions so strongly?
I don't think people like The Avenger messing with their pre-concieved images of KNC. KNC is the perfect girlfriend that can do no wrong. Until you walk into a room one day and find her sucking some other guys ####
It'll be that kind of day many of you see how fucked over and misled you've been.
So every time I criticise knc, point out the unsavoury things they've done, it fucks with people's picture of knc as a "good" company. It makes them question if knc are actually "good". And also, it reminds them and makes them question why they made their "investment" on NO FACTS. Just pure, plain, stupid gambling.
It get's so bad in people's brain they argue with cold, hard facts. They refuse to see the facts. They lash out and call people liars. Anything to maintain the image that knc is "good". KNC have to be good or else my decision to buy was flawed. The decision to invest everything and buy several knobtunes - the weight of delusion must be staggering for those people. Don't make me see that Avenger. Don't. You bastard.
I've been proven right before and I will be again. I'm confident, based on past performance and the attitude of greed and feeling no obligations towards their customers that is now plainly obvious, that this time round KNC's burning of it's customers is going to be epic. They get to spend your money, so it will be you that gets burned.
All the clues are their, the cracks in the foundation.
Please note, we are honestly not at all interested in belittling our competitors with phrases on our boards, our engineering will speak for itself.
Latest newsletter, more or less the day hashfast reveals 500+GH/s boards:
As it looks like our struggling competition may eventually ship before our Network protection period has finished...
Looks like knc have totally lost faith in their own product, when they can't let their so-called engineering speak for itself anymore. They've had to resort to what they said they wouldn't to. To justify doing what they said they wouldn't do! Bad omens.
KNC got lucky with timing. KNC got lucky with it's competition fucking up. KNC got lucky with bitcointalk being off-line for 10 days while they were flailing around trying to ship their first jupiturds. KNC got lucky with BTC going to $1300 around the time they wanted to take next pre-order. But their luck will run out, eventually. I get a sense it's already happened. They dropped a log in their pants last week and that was when I think it was all lost. Once belief is gone, so is luck.
I can't wait for the New Year! A Jupiter is due to mine about 2BTC in this difficulty period. This will be obliterated once all these other companies start to ship in January, which they surely will do. That is a FACT. I'd guesstimate in about 3 or 4 difficulty jumps, it's totally game over for Jupiturds. End of January ish.
I'll keep this crock of shit knc hardware I got running until then. But it will give me great pleasure to smash it to shit, for the 70-80 hours of my life I've spent doctoring this lame beta hardware I paid a premium for.
Good luck to the self deluded. But don't say you weren't warned.
Merry Xmas and a Hashing New Year!
Speculation and facts are two different things, which is probably why you did't get an answer.
Constant sellouts of product, and triple-value resales totally say your opinion is left wing,
countless testimony in here as well....
It's obvious now your mission is to damage the KNC customer base with speculations you call fact
Get a grip.