and do some actual labor around the farm today.....
Things are beginning to look like I abandoned
the place.... lol
Cointerra is saying mid February for Batch 1 Tear-the-money-from-your-wallet-Miner...!
Hashfast is sayin' Mid December for Batch 1 Baby Jetgusher...!
I don't feel any others are even worth
Looks as if both CT & HF are taking March orders now....
and HF is asking the same price for a March unit,as they charged for a December unit.... OMG
Those Guys in So-Cal are smoking some good stuff... lol
Farm huh? Maui Waui?
And who's in SoCal? Cointerra is in Austin and HashFast is in Silicon Valley.
...and no, I'm on the actual Island of Hawaii, not Maui...
although the State is also called Hawaii.... we have 7 islands
BTW... what is this?...poke Ewok hour?
Anyone else notice NMC went to $2.50... !
I guess you didn't understand my joke about what you grow on your farm. Just meant to be fun.
And thanks for the geography lesson. I had no idea that Hawaii was an island... let alone 7!
That must have been another user...
Hero Member
Re: Swedish ASIC miner company
14 November 2013, 10:51:13
Reply with quote #21655
Quote from: soy on 14 November 2013, 09:46:43
maybe it got so hot as to melt solder and create an open.
That's would be what I would look for.
Use a flashlight and a magnifier and check the big power-carrying solder joints for hairline "cracks". You can try push/pulling on the VRM too and looking for movement of the pin in the solder pool.
I used to see this all the time in old TVs and monitors and such.