Normally, investors who know how the market has been moving for the past few months will definitely not give up and will also use the opportunity to buy more satoshi. However, anyone who has accumulated some bitcoins should hold on to the investment. The time to sell is coming, which I believe everybody will live to witness and benefit from. I believe even if someone is new to the investment, they need to know that the market is not favourable to selling their bitcoin at the moment, so I will advise these people to keep holding their coins. If they have funds, they should even invest more if they can leave it there and take the risk because, obviously, the time will soon come.
Individual who are constantly monitoring the market are either inexperienced investors or those set of individual that invested more than they'll be willing to lose in the market. If you're among the second set of investors then you need to sell some parts of the Bitcoin that you hold so you have have peace of mind when the market is dumping. You should not also be panicking because Bitcoin price doesn't fall forever, the price of Bitcoin will rise again so we need to have patience.
So mostly they are what we call newbie investors, and I think we can't blame for their constantly checking the prices. And I might say that once when we started here, this is what the majority here, watch the prices and see how it affects our investors. So we can also attest that it is the norm and nothing is wrong with that. However, maybe as little as a year here, we should by now has some experience under our belt. And the more we stay here, the more we stay away from seeing the price unless there is some kind of major news.
With experiment we'll be comfortable with the price of Bitcoin dumping because it won't be the first time we'll be experiencing that but also know that the price will rise back. We'll see the fall of the price of Bitcoin as an opportunity to buy more Bitcoin instead of selling.
Yes, again as I have explained earlier, we will get all of this from our first year experienced. And the moving forward, when we see the bigger picture, or at least seen a bullrun and bear market, so we can strategized as to what we should do next and when to sell and when to accumulate.