There are several tax options today, and all of them can be applied to crypto-currencies, depending on how the latter are defined in the state. Most often, the following taxes are introduced:
Value Added Tax (VAT). It can be levied by trade operations made with the help of crypto currency as a means of payment, as well as currency exchange. Basically - the exchange of crypto currency for fiat money, but in theory VAT can be levied on the exchange of crypto currency between each other. It operates mainly in those countries where crypto-currencies are recognized as a payment instrument, for example, in Japan. When buying goods and services for cryptocurrensies, VAT will also have to be paid to the residents of the UK, but they can exchange the crypto-currencies for fiat without paying VAT.
Tax on goods and services. A kind of analogue of VAT for those countries that have recognized crypto-currencies are not a means of payment, but a commodity. Acts on the same principle as VAT. Only in the case of VAT, the taxpayer is in fact a buyer, and in the case of a tax on goods and services, a supplier of goods and services, in this case a holder of a crypto currency. He has been working in Singapore for several years. At the beginning of this year, a similar system was adopted by Israel with respect to the mining, which was equated with the production of goods.
Personal income tax. Personal incomes in crypto-currencies are taxed, for example, the salary paid by the employer in bitcoins. Implemented, for example, in the US.
Profits tax. They are subject to any companies that make a profit. Also, they are subject to profits earned as a result of trading on the exchange and the performance of other currency transactions. In the cryptosphere, this system is used specifically to tax the crypto traders and various crypto-currency organizations (from the exchange of crypto-currencies to the pools for mining). Mining may also be subject to profit tax. In the US, for example, take into account the profit from crypto-activity in the tax declaration will have to be traders and miners, and all people who somehow earn on crypto-currencies as a result of speculation. The same tax is levied on all crypto-currency transactions made by legal entities in Australia and Japan.
Capital gains tax. They are subject to income of individuals and legal entities obtained as a result of investing in shares, bonds, securities, valuable assets and so on. In the cryptosphere, it starts acting as soon as the crypto-currencies are equated to valuable assets. Not only investors fall in, but all holders are also crypto currency. This system is implemented in the US, where it matters how long the holders of crypto currency keep them and in what quantity. He also works in Australia, Brazil, Canada and in many EU countries - Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Spain and others.
Property tax. For the cryptosphere, it becomes important when the crypto-currencies are recognized as property, a valuable asset that is owned. As soon as such an amendment is made, the holder of the crypto currency is required to notify the tax service of all transactions concluded with this asset. Such an amendment was introduced in the US tax legislation, where the crypto-currencies in this case are presented as a valuable asset, and in Australia, where they are recognized as property.
What do you think about the taxation of cryptocurrencies? Which model fits best?
Maybe there is a big chances or possibilities that its will implement worldwide by the world government,but before they can do that,they must create also a worldwide legalization of digital currency investment in order to protect the interest of cryptocurrency investment globally.actually being a regulated in terms of cryptocurrency investment is a big impact to the economy,because those tax we paid in our daily transaction in exchanges,the benefited is our country because its helps in making a good infrastracture project.