any information on this?
I'm guessing this is what Kaspersky is flagging as a trojan. Breakbeater's useful post shows how to override it, but that won't help when Kaspersky or other AVs refuse to download the files at all.
No answer yet for why Tekcoin connects to IRC in the first place? Was this just added? If so, why? (especially if it can be overridden without consequence using breakbeater's conf file suggestion).
Most coins have irc included, it has been around for a very long time. Not sure what the surprise is about? We disabled it on Fluttercoin recently but we still need to go through and remove it from the code, it is no longer used as a sync option on our end. Use of DNS seeds is an option to identify nodes unless you hard code a few in a conf file. Last I checked tek source didn't have any dnsseed nodes listed, so irc may still play a role.
(May have added some during the fix)
Thanks for that. I'm still puzzled though. Addnodes have been recommended for tekcoin.conf files for weeks (months?) now, but the Kaspersky IRC trojan flag just showed up with the most recent compiled Windows version. Looks like I'm at an impasse - I can't use the new version without bypassing Kaspersky which I'm reluctant to do on the machines in question for obvious reasons (Windows).
So far the advice is "just trust it". I appreciate the advice, internet strangers, but - you know - nothing personal. Call me chicken. Put it down to the fact that I was an early BFL customer (40ish BTC down the drain).
Bottom line for me so far - I won't use the compiled Windows version until Kaspersky is satisfied with it again. No big deal - I'm not in a hurry - and I certainly acknowledge that this may be a fuss over nothing.