WHY digital gold? Just think for 1 minute < times up i will tell you why ..
Because we humans say it is nothing else and nothing more ..
The same why the dutch used tulips because they as humans decided to use tulips as cash..
So what is money?..
Just think if we destroy the earth to make a computer game as in the console and the game and then we just play it what have we gained ?
We have gained FUN.. We made things out of plastic and metals to have fun BUT to have this fun we had to use monies to buy the plastic and metal
that got turned into a games console then we played it to have fun..
So your mind thinks "MONEY" is what got me this console but really it wasn't it the was work that got you that console ..
People had to work and burn things to create that console then you used money to buy it..
Now Bitcoin is the new digital gold WHY? yes because we humans said so plain and simple no other reason but us humans saying we will except
digital numbers on a screen ..We cannot touch them but we say as humans they are digital gold something we cannot touch or smell..
So what is MONEY?..Yes what ever we humans say it is..
So why can't we have a UNIVERSAL INCOME?
Create 2 digital pictures 1 half of the world sells their picture to the other half thus giving us 10k in digital cash ..
No digging the ground no pollution just 2 digital pictures split the planet in half 1 half sells the picture to the other half for 10k then we both get 10k
each for our digital picture then destroy the pictures and create 2 more every year for all the planets UNIVERSAL INCOME..
Now you say it cannot be done WHY..
Because if we as humans can say DIGITAL GOLD and also pay 500 million for a painting plus use tulips for monies plus BITCOIN being 8k a pop
WHY as humans can't we say we both created a digital picture and both sold it for 10k each ..?
Just think we say one thing is money but the other is not why Because we as humans say so no other reason ..
Why can 1 person have billions in cash BUT a 10K a year universal income comes to 1 million over a hundred years per person ..
1 person off a universal income will gain 1 million over 1 hundred years then be dead ..
But funny how kings queens lords politicians can pay themselves 100k a year ..
Do you see how we trick our own brains to think we have to start from nothing then build our cash up BUT it's not true many many people already
get universal incomes like kings queens and the likes ..
Just sit and think what " MONEY" really is .. We say bitcoin is the new digital gold even though we cannot touch or smell it so if your mind excepts
digital gold as in Bitcoin Then why can't your mind convince yourself that creating 2 digital pictures that don't pollute the earth plus the fact no plastic
plus the fact like your digital gold as in bitcoin is not mined and when computer mined it uses loads of ENERGY meaning polluting the earth ..
So why can your mind think that Digital gold is good but a UNIVERSAL INCOME is bad ..
Remember 1 person can have billions but a 10k universal income over 1 year will cost 1 million over 100 years ..
BUT it doesn't cost it's the work that cost so with the extra universal income humans lives will be way better off..
Kate sills i have smashed many of your post on twitter but you post very very good reads THANKS..
UNIVERSAL INCOME for the world then we can buy cryptocurrency drugs electric what ever we desire to spend our free UNIVERSAL INCOME
Everyone when reaches 21 years old gets a universal income ..We create 2 digital pictures then sell to each other for 10k pounds dollars..
WHY if digital gold you cannot touch or smell is ok so is a UNIVERSAL INCOME ..
Why do you buy a birthday card what do you get out of it? Yes but you need to pay will you pay with DIGITAL GOLD ? why it's not real we as humans made it up ..
But you will except digital gold but not a UNIVERSAL INCOME?
Think what money is It's nothing but we convinced ourselves it's worth something like a 100 million dollar painting
A bit of colour paint on canvas is worth 100s of millions WHY because we humans said so ..
So why can't we have a universal income?..It only takes us humans to say so..