Long term investments are no way better your so wrong..
The longer you wait the faster someone else will beat you to it..
NOW why is BITCOIN so good? is it not because it was the first?
Everyone else building off the back of bitcoin is why it's of value ?
So if people wait for TEZOS and wait and wait YOUR ALRIGHT your worth a billion bucks
But poor old Mary is not.
Now i have plenty of respect for you sir because what you do by teaching young kids BUT your so wrong
on this one..
Get it out then build because your the one who come out first the rest follow ..
Now Smart contracts do more than bitcoin you have bitcoin plus smart contracts but look at bitcoin?
Because it was the first
Will Tezos be the first governance ? MAYBE NOT
It was the first to mention this action on a blockchain BUT now we have 1000s wanting to do it
SO it's very important TEZOS at least gets out then YES be long term
BUT you and i know if 2 people make cars that do the same you want yours out first..
Why because second your known as the trailer ..
I always say becoming rich you need luck as well
Plenty of really smart people who have nothing
some dopey shits killed for their wealth
smart people wont
< scared of jail
Plenty of people with degrees popping out of ears with no monies..
ALSO the TF FOUNDATIONS tezos they hold doesn't belong to them it belongs to the community
WE own then for funding things and what not MAYBE bring transaction cost down by putting them to bake and using the 5% to pay the network to lower cost for everyone?
I want an AUDIT DONE by the TF that's why you put hans in the accountant ..
I want it done or you get done 100%
No mickey mouse bullshit ..
Oh did i tell you i also worked for one of the biggest companies on the planet and when we done an audit .we had goods in goods out so you can count expenditure then at the end of the year we done a stock take for the auditors That involved counting boxes and boxes of open screws
So when it comes to knowing what's going on in a company foundation charity i find it
And i am sure the courts would agree
Stops people paying 60K on a tezos name
How much?
See you made one mistake DON'T EVER TRY RIP ME OFF
I donated to be part of a 1 billion dollar community < and that billion is mine just as much as
TIM DRAPER even if i only donated 0.1 bitcoin
I like poppy foundation I always ask and demand where as my money gone on WHAT..
How much pay off did GEVERS GETS? ..
Also see all the BTC CASH tokens 60K of them put 1 BITCOIN CASH in 30k wallets for the wait as
a gift for us all
.. YES it's only fair ..Ryan Jasperson you just got hold of so much riches it's only right
for the community to have 1 BTC CASH EACH ..
I don't care who put what in EVEN if someone donated 0.1 bitcoin every wallet should hold
1 BITCOIN CASH..It's only RIGHT as compensation for our wait..
They wasn't there before anyways SO GIVE some back to your community so they can feel warm and nice..
If you keep them and plan a robbery RYAN JASPERSON you will be ousted or jail
Don't be offended only right what i say YOUR RICH WE ARE NOT
You control 1 billion
WE WANT 1 BITCOIN CASH in our wallets for waiting..
..Return the favour 1 bitcoin cash in our tezos wallets
.. I am not jealous if i donated more than someone else just as long as everyone
AND EVERY WALLET gets 1 bitcoin cash..
Tezos got them for nothing so give half back to the wallets ..
I swear if you plan on BULLSHITTING US a promise you will go down..