
Topic: The 2017-2018 Flu Killed 80,000 Americans, But No Hysteria or Shutdown - page 2. (Read 1054 times)

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Let me help you out a little.

Bombshell revelations - WSJ (Wall Street Journal) caught running fake science coronavirus scam -

Sorry I was curious and read this one, again while I disagree with it, did you read it and realize its saying exactly what I was saying as a joke about the Corona Virus actually being more dangerous than the media is claiming and that they're downplaying it? They're directly disagreeing with your point of view. "Its the old no worse than the flu narrative"

It seems like you are completely missing the point. Here's the point.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Why is this the point? Because when is it okay to believe a scammer, and when is it not okay?

If they lied to you the first time, why would you think they are not lying to you now? Especially when there is all kind of evidence that they are lying to you now, as well?

It seems you are getting too deep into what somebody is saying, and not thinking about their nature.

The article might be saying that there were hoaxes about Coronavirus going on, but that is true with lots of things in life. Why isn't the main hoax Coronavirus itself? Why aren't the reports about people dying from CV in hospitals and elsewhere a hoax? Is it because:
1. Most news outlets are saying it?
2. Many governments are saying it?
3. Many doctors are saying it?
4. Because there was a courtroom debate about it with professional debaters, and expert witness, all of whom were under oath to do and tell the truth, with the penalty being 20 years to execution.

Not all news outlets are saying it.
Not all government people are saying it.
Not all doctors are saying it.
If there wasn't a professional court battle about it, there is strong evidence out there that the whole thing, including the number of deaths are a hoax. How can the deaths be a hoax? Because the testing still isn't conclusive enough to show that the deaths are due to Covid-19, and not some sister disease, including all kinds of influenza or pneumonia. And the statistics aren't even clear enough to show that deaths are more than a simply bad flu year.

Or do you have proof?

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Let me help you out a little.

Bombshell revelations - WSJ (Wall Street Journal) caught running fake science coronavirus scam -

Sorry I was curious and read this one, again while I disagree with it, did you read it and realize its saying exactly what I was saying as a joke about the Corona Virus actually being more dangerous than the media is claiming and that they're downplaying it? They're directly disagreeing with your point of view. "Its the old no worse than the flu narrative"

Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
Let me help you out a little.

Bombshell revelations - WSJ (Wall Street Journal) caught running fake science coronavirus scam -

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Reveals Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O -

Mutated coronavirus strain in India could kill all efforts at creating a vaccine -

Fox News now admitting that coronavirus came from Wuhan lab -


first of all fox news is a drama media show trying to poke at people emotions.. it is not a science investigative source.

by the way badecker
you can go to food markets, you can play golf. you just need to be smart to not be rubbing upclose and personal with strangers.
you have the same freedoms as sweden
people still work in arizona
just google 'we're open arizona'
Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?

Hey Salty, still wanna argue that open borders are not a serious threat as a disease vector?

Well that depends, I believe you are referencing something we were talking about a long time ago regarding illnesses with vaccines, and unvaccinated people from other countries coming into the country. At the moment I'd completely agree with you, but given the state of things I'd also say travel between states is ill advised at the moment.


Let me help you out a little.

I'll pass, thanks. I make it a point not to visit sites that are intentionally feeding their userbase false information for the sake of damaging them. Naturalnews doesn't actually believe the drivel they produce, they take the slightly gullible, radicalize them to their newfound sense of individuality and "free thinking" and take that chance to sell you things. I'm opposed to treating people like that, even those I don't care for. Look into their history as NewsTarget. At least Infowars and the other similar sites actually care about their users.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 1958
First Exclusion Ever

Hey Salty, still wanna argue that open borders are not a serious threat as a disease vector?
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Let me help you out a little.

Bombshell revelations - WSJ (Wall Street Journal) caught running fake science coronavirus scam -

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Reveals Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O -

Mutated coronavirus strain in India could kill all efforts at creating a vaccine -

Fox News now admitting that coronavirus came from Wuhan lab -

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
I can just say that we aren't going to come to an agreement on this. I don't think you have a very strong understanding of how the real world works with regards to conspiracy when it comes to risk, reward. I'm not denying that conspiracies aren't ever true, just that this one would probably be up there in difficulty to pull off along with the moon being fake. There is no motive, the amount of oversight is ridiculously high, and the effects are clearly visible. Again, I don't know why you choose to believe a television producer (part of the media) over government scientists, but believe what you want I guess. The burden of proof is too heavy because what I'd consider a reliable source is not one you're interested in. I cant show you hard facts and data that you accept as uncompromised, and I'm not willing to sift through snopes articles when credible and accurate information gathered by world governments is not up to snuff. Proving that the sky is blue to a blind man is tricky. There has never been a court case as to whether the sky is blue or not  Huh

We can get vehicles to mars, and scan people's bodies for individual cells using positron annihilation, but we can't confirm the existence or effects of an observable microbe (that you can find images of on google images) science sure is pathetic isn't it.

(By the way your earlier posts weren't denying its existence or effects, just comparing it to the 2017-2018 flu and questioning whether the hysteria and shutdown was worth it, we've regressed)
Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
badecker gets so confused he couldnt even win an argument if he was facing himself in a mirror

does he not realise he is speaking the rhetoric of january 2020. from places that started it like fox news.
badecker has not even got to the february script yet. nor the march script. and by the time he gets to aprils scrip he will realise he spent all of february, march, april being so so wrong.. but im guessing it will be june/july by the time he gets to the april scripts

such a waste of his time being so outdated. and soo much a waste of time for form readers having to see his repeated crap that he has not even thought about himself.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368

There are not very many cars on the road. Even during rush hours!

Because that's how few people are left!

It's right in front of you! For those who have eyes to see!


But it's only because you are looking to the left. If you had looked right, you would have seen the rest of them.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368

A properly done court is essentially foolproof. Most courts are games that attorneys play.

My main point about CV is that a majority of the doctors aren't telling what they know. Some of them:
1. Are trying to, but don't have a loud enough voice to be heard;
2. Not trying because they have been threatened by their superiors;
3. Intentionally like the idea of a Covid-19 pandemic, no matter what it does to society in any way.

Some of the doctors are telling what they know... that the CV pandemic is a false pandemic.

Other doctors are telling what they assume to be truth... doctors on both sides of the fence. They assume it because they trust... not because they know.

On top of it all is the media that promotes what they do for money, not because they care about the truth. So things can go either way for them. As long as they sell "print."

The government people are as ignorant as the media. What they do, they do for various reason. Some of the time they tell the truth; some of the time they don't.

Since it is reasonably common knowledge that at the beginnings of the pandemic - say, back in January, February, and the beginnings of March, governments, doctors, and the news gave us a big incomplete/deceptive/untrue story about the pandemic, why would they have changed? Why would they be producing correct numbers, now?

One great example is the deaths in Italy and the USA at the beginning. It was found later that 99%/94% of deaths in Italy/USA were due to causes probably other than Covid-19. But they can't tell for sure about any of it, because they didn't have proper testing at the time. They were simply going by symptoms which can match a whole lot of flu and pneumonia.

Another example is Dr. Deborah Brix (Trump's team) saying that if the doctors weren't sure, but there were some of the symptoms, they should call it Covid-19 deaths, no matter what it was. And other countries were doing the same. Has this changed?

Then there is the fact of the CDC instructing doctors and medical personnel to call any deaths that they didn't know the cause of, Covid-19, rather than state that the cause of death was unknown.

There is so much BS floating around about CV, that maybe NONE of it is true. You can tell when you see that other causes of death in the USA, far outdo CV, but we don't have pandemics for them. On top of that, simply look at the links tvbcof provides at

Go right ahead and delude yourself with the dream that the medical and science systems are pretty close to on-track regarding what is going on. And since I have shown much of this to you previously, the only conclusion that I can come to is that you are intentionally keeping your blinders on. Bring up something that is worthwhile, or be relegated to second class thinker or worse.

Activity: 2898
Merit: 1386

Actually, I'm changing my stance. BADecker is correct that the doctors are lying to us. I believe they are down playing the whole situation and covid19 actually has an 80-90%+ fatality rate. ...

This would account for something very suspicious I have been seeing lately.

There are not very many cars on the road. Even during rush hours!

Because that's how few people are left!

It's right in front of you! For those who have eyes to see!

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Can you prove to me that anyone has ever been in a car accident? I've actually never seen one occur, and I'm only taking peoples word that they even happen. I will accept the same sort of proof that you'd require.
I believe that I can. But I haven't proven such to myself or anyone else that I know of. We could take it to court - about the proof - and let the jury decide if all the court records of accidents are proof or not.

Is there even one court record of Covid-19 proof?

I dont really trust courts, do you know how many mistrials there have been, how many scumbags let free and innocent people imprisoned? The amount of money you have, your skin color, and gender appreciably effect the outcome of a trial. I don't see why a jury is credible, its just mob justice in a civilized forum. Look at how many times big pharmaceutical companies have been to court and let off of charges because they had the money to hire very talented lawyers that knew how to appeal to people's emotions.

As a side note, why would there be any court cases regarding covid yet? The courts were closed due to covid, check back in a few months when we're on the assigning blame stage of the game and I'm sure you'll see plenty.

Make all the assumptions you want. I am assuming that there is a conspiracy and a lot of fake news about Coronavirus. Government has a lot of opposition in doing what they want, because all their mandates must fall into the limitations they have under the Constitution and Amendments.

Do politicians ever lie? Does the media ever lie? Are doctors beyond the point where they might lie? Is it possible that there are misunderstandings if not intentional lies?

Let's get the truth by taking it to court and letting the professional debaters on both sides question the expert witnesses. Then let the jury decide who is telling the truth. And because this is so important, let's get it to at least dozens of courts with different debaters and experts.

So far all we have is inconclusive information being sensationalized by the media so that even the few politicians that are almost honest can't tell for sure what the truth is.

Perhaps if Government made stronger mandates, the people would accuse government personnel and politicians directly, and we would get the courts we want.


Is there fake news about coronavirus? Yeah probably. Do politicians ever lie? Yes. Does the media ever lie? Absolutely. Are doctors beyond the point where they might lie? No. Is it possible that there are misunderstandings if not intentional lies, No, probably not.

I don't think I've cited a single source from the media to this point because I'm with you on that. I'm not interested in what the sensationalist media has to say with their requirement for nonstop coverage of something. Even if they were being honest about everything you can easily invite misconceptions simply by the coverage amount. If you cover every single house fire that occurs in the world, people would get the impression that house fires are a greater risk than they statistically are. What I've cited is official data and statements made directly by the greatest authorities that we can possibly cite. If we can't trust the CDC which takes independent information from other respected institutions, verifies it, and then releases the statements official, then we can't trust anyone. Who's to say the flu exists?

Because there is a possibility that doctors could lie doesn't mean they are. We've yet to establish a single motive for why they'd lie. I think we can agree that people act in their own self interest in most cases. Politicians lie for money, to get reelected, to shift blame, etc. We first haven't established a single plausible reason that any individual doctor would lie. There is no gain for them here, it would be in their own personal interest to downplay the corona virus impact, as they're working harder (and for less pay in some cases) now more than ever.

The biggest issue I have with the idea of doctors lying is that every other doctor in the world keeps them in check. If researcher A put out a paper saying Corona Virus is similar to rabies and will turn you into a zombie, it takes millions of other researchers to nod their head. Its not that I have faith that a doctor would never lie, or simply get something wrong, its the sheer extent of the checks and balances that lead me to believe information that gets vetted by numerous sources. The same way I trust that Bitcoin is secure despite not 100% understanding it, is because there are so many chances for review from so many people, that if there was a serious issue, they'd point it out. I don't demand to see the technical specifications on a bridge before I drive over it. A single engineer may have made a calculation mistake, been pressured to use cheaper materials to cut costs, etc. But because it takes a team of engineers, I can be reasonably sure that the bridge is safe to drive over.

If your main point is that Researcher A gets it wrong and convinces everyone else to sign off on it despite not understanding what Researcher A was saying, then not only would I say you aren't familiar in the slightest with the medical field, but I'd say with no profession at all. A housing inspector doesn't look at the electrical work an electrician has done and just go, ah it was done by a licensed electrician, I don't know what they did here, but I'll trust them and sign off on these papers. Every person that signs off on something assumes a certain amount of liability. If Researcher A says, hey maybe corona virus will cause you to become a zombie, people don't nod their head enthusiastically, they'll review what lead them to come to that conclusion and test it before nodding their heads and passing it onto the next group that then repeats the process.

The various "cures" for corona virus that everyone is hopeful about very well may work! If you've noticed however every medical professional is very cautious about how they word it. If they give hydroxychloroquine to 10,000 patients and it helps all 10,000 of them, they still can't call it a cure or medicine used for treating covid until it goes through that whole review process and then finally vetted by the FDA.
Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
badecker. you are too stuck in the freeman rhetoric of 'take it to court'
you have no clue how the real world works

i know your the fool that shouts take it to court but you yourself have no experience of taking anything to court
i know your reading scripts of take them to court and delay them and waste their time hoping that you get a payout from it just to make you go away because your a time waster

i know if they pushed through and showed proof you would just delay accepting proof and just try being an idiot every time.
your scripts are not about finding the truth. but about wasting time hoping the other side gives up/

if they give up you then declare you win by making them give up even if the reason for giving up had nothing to do with proof or lack of proof. but you will just want a financial win to then twist it that its proof' of your case

yes the freeman cult BS has already been debunked, many smart people know all the stupid games those scripts are all about. you are not showing anything new. infact you are about a decade out of date still believing those stupid scripts still work
they dont
new laws were created to actually stop malicious time wasting cases. which would cut your attempt short on day one.

now for the real world stuff
get off your cultish websites and actually look for the facts if the facts actually interest you.
your games of 'take them to court' are not even a path to the truth.

your scripts are old, boring. but you keep circling back to them and acting as if they are new.
i called you out months ago. and yet you pretend to forget and just say the same crap again and again.

you have ran out of new scripts. so just give up your old scripts and find something new outside of your outdated bookmarked sites.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Actually, there is no proof for any of it that has been shown to you or to any of us. But reports are coming in from people on the ground in their local areas, that things are far less bad than the official reports indicate.


Can you prove to me that anyone has ever been in a car accident? I've actually never seen one occur, and I'm only taking peoples word that they even happen. I will accept the same sort of proof that you'd require.
I believe that I can. But I haven't proven such to myself or anyone else that I know of. We could take it to court - about the proof - and let the jury decide if all the court records of accidents are proof or not.

Is there even one court record of Covid-19 proof?

Actually, I'm changing my stance. BADecker is correct that the doctors are lying to us. I believe they are down playing the whole situation and covid19 actually has an 80-90%+ fatality rate. They're telling random people with colds that they have covid to boost the number of cases to offset the fatality count to keep people from panicking. Del Bigtree is being propped up by the WHO to seed conspiracy theories to put people more at ease. By my figures, covid has already killed more than 500 million people.

My theory actually has more merit than yours because I've established motive. The government absolutely could mandate that health officials not release real information to prevent panic, and they'd have incentive to. There would still be whistle blowers, but you've disregarded that point as fact so I dont see why I can't make the same assumption.

Make all the assumptions you want. I am assuming that there is a conspiracy and a lot of fake news about Coronavirus. Government has a lot of opposition in doing what they want, because all their mandates must fall into the limitations they have under the Constitution and Amendments.

Do politicians ever lie? Does the media ever lie? Are doctors beyond the point where they might lie? Is it possible that there are misunderstandings if not intentional lies?

Let's get the truth by taking it to court and letting the professional debaters on both sides question the expert witnesses. Then let the jury decide who is telling the truth. And because this is so important, let's get it to at least dozens of courts with different debaters and experts.

So far all we have is inconclusive information being sensationalized by the media so that even the few politicians that are almost honest can't tell for sure what the truth is.

Perhaps if Government made stronger mandates, the people would accuse government personnel and politicians directly, and we would get the courts we want.

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Actually, there is no proof for any of it that has been shown to you or to any of us. But reports are coming in from people on the ground in their local areas, that things are far less bad than the official reports indicate.


Can you prove to me that anyone has ever been in a car accident? I've actually never seen one occur, and I'm only taking peoples word that they even happen. I will accept the same sort of proof that you'd require.

Actually, I'm changing my stance. BADecker is correct that the doctors are lying to us. I believe they are down playing the whole situation and covid19 actually has an 80-90%+ fatality rate. They're telling random people with colds that they have covid to boost the number of cases to offset the fatality count to keep people from panicking. Del Bigtree is being propped up by the WHO to seed conspiracy theories to put people more at ease. By my figures, covid has already killed more than 500 million people.

My theory actually has more merit than yours because I've established motive. The government absolutely could mandate that health officials not release real information to prevent panic, and they'd have incentive to. There would still be whistle blowers, but you've disregarded that point as fact so I dont see why I can't make the same assumption.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368

Actually, I'm changing my stance. BADecker is correct that the doctors are lying to us. I believe they are down playing the whole situation and covid19 actually has an 80-90%+ fatality rate. They're telling random people with colds that they have covid to boost the number of cases to offset the fatality count to keep people from panicking. Del Bigtree is being propped up by the WHO to seed conspiracy theories to put people more at ease. By my figures, covid has already killed more than 500 million people.

Actually, there is no proof for any of it that has been shown to you or to any of us. But reports are coming in from people on the ground in their local areas, that things are far less bad than the official reports indicate.

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2154
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Don't get so desperate at trying to convince people that Covid-19 is any worse than the average yearly flu.

In the US we're currently at 42,000 deaths and 800,000 cases. Now while we've already chatted about representation since only those that physically see a doctor or are deemed worthy of a test are represented in the official number of cases, there would have to be 30x more people with corona virus than the official count to be equally as bad as the 2017-2018 flu, one of the worst on record.

If we use the worldwide numbers (2.5 million cases and 170,000 deaths) its statistically 40x worse. Typically I'd hesitate to draw any conclusions based on worldwide numbers versus the US figures since 90% of the deaths could have been in a country where the medical care is subpar or for a variety of other reasons, but its not totally outrageous to consider the worldwide stats considering our medical care (based on preparedness) is whats considered subpar in this case.

None of those numbers are definitive for the reasons mentioned, however when you see a 40x magnitude you can start to get an idea.

As you say, people (doctors) make fake stories to sell products all the time.

Still no proof for widespread Covid-19. Lots of talk. No proof. Covid-19 is fake news as far as we know.

Or do you have some proof that you can provide rather than simple talk?


Not news, official data put out by our government under the authority of god emperor Trump.


Actually, I'm changing my stance. BADecker is correct that the doctors are lying to us. I believe they are down playing the whole situation and covid19 actually has an 80-90%+ fatality rate. They're telling random people with colds that they have covid to boost the number of cases to offset the fatality count to keep people from panicking. Del Bigtree is being propped up by the WHO to seed conspiracy theories to put people more at ease. By my figures, covid has already killed more than 500 million people.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
and there we go. badecker realising that people make fake stories to sell products such as miricle cures and megadose chemicals.. badecker realises that when a story is attached to selling a product to someone its probably fake.. yet he doesnt realise that he is a victim of watching fake news trying to sell him chemical cures that dont cure

its called taking advantage of a real sitution to then tell a fake side story to sell products.

but what is badeckers response. to beleive his miricle cures still work.. but that the side story is not fake and the real scenario that is really affecting people is fake

even though real medical notes, death certificates, scans, blood,mucus samples, rna samples shows it real

maybe badecker should realise the virus and contagion is real. but its the stories he sees of car park clinics curing patients with chemicals while they wait that is the fake part

As you say, people (doctors) make fake stories to sell products all the time.

Still no proof for widespread Covid-19. Lots of talk. No proof. Covid-19 is fake news as far as we know.

Or do you have some proof that you can provide rather than simple talk?

Activity: 4214
Merit: 4458
and there we go. badecker realising that people make fake stories to sell products such as miricle cures and megadose chemicals.. badecker realises that when a story is attached to selling a product to someone its probably fake.. yet he doesnt realise that he is a victim of watching fake news trying to sell him chemical cures that dont cure

its called taking advantage of a real sitution to then tell a fake side story to sell products.

but what is badeckers response. to beleive his miricle cures still work.. but that the side story is not fake and the real scenario that is really affecting people is fake

even though real medical notes, death certificates, scans, blood,mucus samples, rna samples shows it real

maybe badecker should realise the virus and contagion is real. but its the stories he sees of car park clinics curing patients with chemicals while they wait that is the fake part
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Now franky1. Don't get so desperate at trying to convince people that Covid-19 is any worse than the average yearly flu. The moms will find you out, Cheesy.

Mom Discovers Facebook Ad Claiming Her Entire Family Died From Coronavirus

They are also a part of what is now the mainstream media in attempts to silence dissenting voices, especially when it comes to telling the truth about coronavirus and COVID-19, as well as vaccines.  They continually send out their self-appointed, paid "fact checkers," who often don't even read the articles they are claiming are fake in order to stifle distribution of truthful, accurate reports.  Now, they've been busted putting out ads with a family photo claiming the entire family died from coronavirus, and then the mom discovered what Facebook did.

Here's the report from WRDW, a CBS affiliate:

LOS ANGELES (KCAL/KCBS/CNN) – A Facebook ad for a company selling face masks claimed all but one member of a Los Angeles family died from COVID-19, but the story, which used a real family's photo, isn't true.

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