we have always honored our refund requests but a thread like this basically just kills my business
Ask yourself this question:
Do you want a nice friendly refund as we have been giving or do you want to completely put me out of business?
because if you completely put me out of business than you are going to have to come to NY to take me to small claims court.
ask yourself this question, do you really want to come to NY to take me to small claims court? or do you just want to wait your turn and quietly get your requested refund as hundreds of people already have. Keep with the mob mentality its only going to keep you separated from your money longer.
this thread is bad for anyone seeking a refund, and the mods need to take notice and remove threads such as this.
this is not good for you. Please stop.
im reporting this to the mods myself - I encourage others to do the same.
Tom - this thread is the direct result of an information vacuum.
What would be good for business is a simple email to those who have asked for refunds to at the very least acknowledge receipt.
The last I heard from your team regarding refunds - was that CC chargebacks were recommended.
I've only held off on that because a) I believe I still have a little time left in my chargeback window
b) I *don't* want to cause your business harm if I can help it.
Fix your tone - and provide more info. PLEASE.