Ok managed to get 1 rig working, however my other (pretty much identical) rig will no work without a really low TC and gets loads of HW , if i increase the TC the GPU's will disable and i get a Error -5 cl and nothing happens..... like i said everything the same , cards, drivers....
I ran into a similar problem. I think there was a problem with the version of the modified cgminer software I downloaded. Delete and reinstall with the following steps for gpu mining with windows:
1) Download modified cgminer scrypt:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ksgtrltpah1eqes/Vertcoin-CGMinerAleksNR3.zip 2) Use notepad++ to create a .txt file, then convert extension to .bat file.
This is the code I've been using for dual x280's:
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://us.bitcrush.info:3444 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password -I 12 -v 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 8191
This is the code I've been using for dual 6950's:
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://us.bitcrush.info:3444 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password -I 12 -v 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 4096
*these are the TC's I found to work the best. Anything higher than 4096 will result in error. Any intensity >12, and your mining shares won't be accepted.
3) Run created .bat file
x280 = 275-350 kH/s
6950 = 125-175 kH/s