is your ORB pool in v1.6.0.0?? Hard fork in ~200 Blocks
#OrBitcoinLove Hard fork coming!(Block # 2 million, ETA 27-Sep-2016) update clients to v1.6.0.0 in time!
integration of BIP65 and BIP 66
Orbitcoin v1.6.0.0 is ready for release. BIP65 and BIP66 will be mandatory after the hard fork for all blocks and payments (BIP66 is forced on mempool only right now by v1.5.1.x clients).
+ index rebuilder after crash of pc system
+ now including the official Abe powered block explorer. Although most people should be fine with the in-wallet block explorer. It's much faster.
Didn't have internet for 2 days.
I just saw the email from ghost.
I am updating the pool now