My question is -
Has gambling left a trace on you; if it has which consequences are you experiencing right now?
Yes, it has.
It completely messed up my relationship to money. With enough retreat, I can rethink what I did, how I did it, if it was right or wrong ...
I am now learning how to save a little. And I'm amazed at how much I can save, and the forms my savings can take.
As much as I can hate banks, I have now first the first time of my life a savings account with a three figure sum for more than a month.
I still gamble from times to times, but it isn't the same kind of gambling.
Now, I'm gambling to play a game / chill out a bit / have fun.
Before, my gambling was destructive.
I think it's up to everyone. It's easier for some than for others. It may also not be the right time for some people.
Everything comes at the right time.