Even if you give so big details,the gambler will always play gambling until he is not finish his bankroll. So in simple words everyone know about it even then they gamble
That is because people are greedy and they are always in false hope as to when they are going to win. They are just within the darkness in the hope of winning something that will compensate the loss. And even if they win, they will take the risk again because they won. So why not play again. Who knows? That is why people need to back off if they lose because losing a bit amount of money is better than losing it all.
Everyone naturally is greedy
; some of us just have to find a way to control those greed so they do not take a whole of us. It is the way the mindset of some have been fashioned as they do think with gambling they can end up being self-made for life without much stress, only to find out the opposite and before they even get to find out, it has been too late and the only thing left for them is to be hoping that one day, they may recover, which is the main reason they always keep coming back.
True enough. That is why it is best to stay away from it if you know you have tendencies of getting addicted to something. Some people have this inability, and we cannot call it weakness. It is perhaps an obsession and compulsion put altogether because the person concerned believes he has to do such, otherwise, he will miss plausible opportunities. There are repercussions once a person gets hooked to something without the latter even knowing it already hit him. It is not in denial; but a behavior that blooms when you least take notice of it. So yes, I agree with this write up. It is so beautifully-constructed that it leaves people wondering how possible it is to be affected with gambling in terms of health conditions.
Tendencies of getting addicted are normal for someone who is greedy or someone who is looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place. Gambling is just a game and I wonder why some people would think they can make a living from gambling. It is appalling and that is just being foolish and if you look at the lifestyle they end up living on how they have made their mentality to ruin them, they always end up becoming a huge liability to everyone.