
Topic: The Coronavirus as A Means of Financial Reset - page 3. (Read 1588 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1638
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According to petrol price increase, seeing more and more people returning to work from office and the return of traffic jams - financial reset has been done. But frankly speaking, based on people that are around me, nothing much really changed. So it is more restart than reset.

Well, you should look not just around you but look at the bigger picture. People are kicked out of their places because of their incapability of paying since we have no jobs during the quarantine. Even those with and without houses are having problems as well like food shortage and payment bills, a lot has changed and that started with the shortage of supplies of a country.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1174
According to petrol price increase, seeing more and more people returning to work from office and the return of traffic jams - financial reset has been done. But frankly speaking, based on people that are around me, nothing much really changed. So it is more restart than reset.

Many economists claim that this is just the beginning. We have witnessed a worldwide shutdown through which many businesses went bankrupt, but the ripple effect will continue for a few years. Businesses are connected by a chain. A restaurant will not work like it used to when it had to fire its staff during the pandemic shutdown. Its clients will now come back, taste the food and say that they've been eating there because of the former chef and now it's not the same, so the restaurant will go bankrupt over the next few months, even though it survived the first stage of the pandemic. This is what is understood as the ripple effect.
sr. member
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To be honest, there is almost no difference at all - from the laboratory or from the fact that someone ate a bat. The only important thing is to make China pay for the fact that it bears the greatest part of the blame for what happened.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
I also think like you. The corona virus is thought to be an economic virus and it was born to reset the game. It sounds fictitious, but this is true, Chinese people want to create this pandemic so that the powerful European countries will lose strength and they will be more powerful when their economy comes back. earlier. This is a very dangerous game and if the governments of many countries do not solve well, it can lead to economic crisis.
Still months away or even a year but many countries have used their year's GDP and budget, this is bad some countries are finding ways to get the economy moving even in this time of pandemic they have no recourse, because they cannot sustain supporting their people they've stopped from going to work, this pandemic will devastate many countries before this nightmare is over.
Govs are going to find a way to live through such hard times, but I am not sure about regular citizens.
I think only attentive to economy people will try to save their funds efficiently, but It seems like such people are minority
Activity: 2394
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According to petrol price increase, seeing more and more people returning to work from office and the return of traffic jams - financial reset has been done. But frankly speaking, based on people that are around me, nothing much really changed. So it is more restart than reset.
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I always love it whenever someone comes up and says "THIS WAS A MAN-MADE VIRUS". There are literally only two things in my mind when I face something like this. First of all even if it was man made, what would anyone gain from spreading it? Literally if millions die all over the world, who gains what?

China lost apple, their biggest customer to India, and probably losing jobs by hundreds every single day right now, the economical crisis that they are having will be bigger than any in history, USA has thousands of people dying every single day and impending economical crash, Italy is brink of death situation, basically EVERYONE is having a trouble, NOBODY gained anything, so why would anyone want to spread a virus that helps NOBODY.

As I wrote above many times, no one person or country gains from the virus, true.  But you can argue the entire world gains in the long run if the world's financial system can be placed on a more stable footing, in a controlled rather than catastrophic fashion.

And I'm sure, even more importantly to the elites, such a reset by virus will not blame the design of their system (money and finance) for the economic problems associated with the reset.

Secondly, even if there was, how does this help us? Like lets say someone made a virus and spread it for their own gain, PEOPLE ARE STILL DYING, how could you not see the real issue here, even if you are right, IT IS NOT A SOLUTION, we do not have a cure, we do not have a result, why would we care how it happened when we can't even stop it to begin with, first we gotta start not dying before we start discussing politics.

Isn't it precisely because 'people are dying' that we should try to get to the bottom of what/who started this?  If my theory is correct, and if we don't hold the elites accountable, there will be more virus releases in the future.
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reset the system by essentially wiping out the debt,

There is no debt default, the only reset is a soft default by failure to repay value and only nominal repayment.   Alot of the debt now is on a short time basis so the holders dont notice or don't care about this value lost, over a large time period it registers as more significant (workers over their career earn less value etc.) but presently the system is being juggled and there is no change to that because of the virus.
   Contraction in GDP and expanding or continuing as were previously to enlarge the monetary base is going to mean less value in the debt per unit but since the amount owed is rising so fast its not to anyones benefit.

What you describe here is not a reset but continuing to muddle through as happened over at least the last 11 years.

There is no reset yet, but if my conspiracy theory of a joint China-West deliberate virus release is correct, the reset is the goal and will take place gradually over a number of years.  The whole idea of a controlled bubble deflation rests on slow speed and high level of control to ensure nothing catastrophic happens.  My theory is that this is more preferable to the elites of all countries, than a natural, uncontrollable financial crash which is destined to arrive (or already arrived in the form of the repo market problem in September that refused to go away completely.)

The most likely reason for the virus is stupidity, to release and expect anything in somebody's favour is not likely.   Was it a biological weapon is a maybe but I would guess not at this point as there are more immediate ways to damage a troop encampment then a virus which kills single figure %.   This isn't a warfare agent by my reckoning, its only having a wider economic effect in an attempt to reduce deaths.

It's actually consistent with my theory that the virus doesn't really kill too many people, but just enough to get people scared and shut down economies.  No?

To release this virus is not in any individual's or group's favor, true.  But you can argue it is in the interest of all humanity (see above or elsewhere for my oft-repeated argument for a controlled financial reset.)  This is basically the same argument that everyone from the President to the janitor having to pay a tax is not in any person's interest, but in the interest of the entire country.

I've no doubts the debt situation will unwind and destroy itself without any help, its a wheel off kilter that needs no help to fall apart.  This is the nature of capitalism now and forever, humans live in a system greater then themselves and that applies biologically, ecologically and even economically.   We can adjust but there is never total control, that part is the delusion society may have shared previously.

But if you know your wheels are falling off, wouldn't it be a good idea to stop the vehicle and replace the wheels before they fly off at highway speed?
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Ultimately, whether it's the Great Depression or today, the work force needs to be re-purposed away from the demands of a bubble-economy towards those of a more stable (and definitely more modest, initially,) economy.  If most people are bailed out so comfortably that they have no incentives to retool and work, the whole economy will disappear, and that, at least so far, has never happened.

There are two things that can be learned from the great depression that can be applied now and although it cannot be a solution in the present, it can bring a better future without repeating the economic crisis that might have been designed. Speculative activity and debt are a dynamic duo is the lighter and fuel of all the imbalances and economic problems that exist in the world.

Assuming that human nature is greedy and never satisfied, so the basic values that should be the basic foundation of the economy are not applied. Speculative activities and debt provide space and opportunity for human greed to develop and finally, greed is no longer a bad trait but something common that must be understood.
sr. member
Activity: 2030
Merit: 269
I also think like you. The corona virus is thought to be an economic virus and it was born to reset the game. It sounds fictitious, but this is true, Chinese people want to create this pandemic so that the powerful European countries will lose strength and they will be more powerful when their economy comes back. earlier. This is a very dangerous game and if the governments of many countries do not solve well, it can lead to economic crisis.
Still months away or even a year but many countries have used their year's GDP and budget, this is bad some countries are finding ways to get the economy moving even in this time of pandemic they have no recourse, because they cannot sustain supporting their people they've stopped from going to work, this pandemic will devastate many countries before this nightmare is over.
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This same Doctor with loads of credentials has also mentioned the link between 5G Networks and the gradual breaking down of people's immune systems from this technology and the mere mention of Covid-19 and 5G Networks got his videos banned on Youtube. He is also pointing fingers to Bill Gates and the US government "outsourcing" the Corona virus research to China.

I searched the PeakProsperity for anything written by him (as opposed to his many users) on 5G and came up empty.  Do you have a link for me?

If I understand you correctly, since YouTube is the objective arbiter of truth,  if YouTube bans someone, that person must be saying BAD things.

Not sure about Bill Gates, but the US government outsourcing corona virus research to China is a matter of public record.

I am not really into all these conspiracy theories, but someone with his qualifications and his military background makes me curious to know why he would put everything on the line to make such controversial statements.  Huh

Why does something like WikiLeaks even exist (and we know what happened to the guy who runs it)?  If someone has material that exposes the doings of the US or Western powers that be, why don't they go to a 'reputable' outlet like the New York Times, Washington Post, and at least dozens of outfits like them?  Think.

The existence of WikiLeaks amounts to a proof of a conspiracy among mainstream media entities.  That's why they can't stand Assange.

Yes, you are putting everything on the line.  The reason he does it?  Maybe because what he says is true?  At least that's what I'll believe, until someone, anyone, among the many deniers of 'conspiracy theories,' can give me an example of what he says that tells me otherwise.
jr. member
Activity: 209
Merit: 1
I have always had this doubt that the corona virus did not result as a natural occurrence but then even those who have come up with proof to show that it was manipulated in the lab have all had their claims rubbished. The setting around this whole scenario seems like something that was planned to happen. Till the true origin of the virus is made known, there will always be difficulties in handling the eradication of the virus. But in all lets keep our hopes alive.
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As someone who has studied the virus itself quite extensively and helped the senior geneticists map out its genome for the production of test kits, I can say that the virus has its own merits for unusual mutations and genes but that in itself isn't sufficient to pin down the virus to underground laboratories in China. For novel viruses, we are expected to see some random fuckery in gene sequences, which SARS-CoV-2 clearly has. There are also some parts wherein the virus appeared to have been inserted with some carefully-concocted gene, but those parts were also seen in some bats carrying different strains of the said coronavirus, which rules that possibility out.

What is your own theory about the appearance of the polybasic furin cleavage site?  (Assuming you had access to the full genomic sequence of the virus?)

Also, what is your theory about the strange results coming out of comparing this virus with RaTG13 vis a vis the distribution of evolutionary changes to the genomes?

Have you considered these questions?  (Please see the videos for details if you have time.)

Yes, some sequence parts are naturally occurring in bats, and some are naturally occurring in pangolins, but to happen to have both of those in the same virus, and for this combo to happen to be key to multiplying the contagion ability, seems quite a co-incidence to me.  In any case, I can't see jumping to the conclusion 'which rules that possibility out,' via the info you present.

If, and if the virus was really made in the lab, governments should file a case against the laboratory in particularly who engineered it, but even independent, non-government researches funded by private firms are disagreeing to this scenario.

We know for sure nothing good will happen to an entity that defies the agenda of the Western political (bipartisan) establishment.  What happened to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange was probably enough of a warning, which was probably made deliberately.  Would you jeopardize the firm you built up all you life by exposing something this big, where you'd probably get drowned out anyway (as Chris Martenson seems to be?)

Perhaps people are formulating different cases in their heads to favor what they think is happening. Since the economy of the world took an instant hit the moment economic lockdowns and closures were set into place, people quickly rushed to the conclusion that this is an elaborate plan to sabotage the economy and to help the superpowers do an economic reset, which isn't even happening and are even flinging them further into the debt oblivion.

I think only a (very) small no. of people think this is a plan to sabotage and reset the financial and economic system.

'Which isn't even happening' is premature at this point.  Even something as drastic as the Great Depression took a few years to go from specific-asset collapse, to systemic asset collapse, to severe deflation, to devaluation and reflation.  (From 1929 to 1934.)  A controlled reset would arguably take longer -- slow motion should be the key to control.

There seems to be no reason why these Western entities should, with one voice, cover for China's mistaken or deliberate release of the virus, UNLESS...

They aren't trying to save China from a pitfall but rather acting logically so as not to cause panic all over the world. The last thing that you want to incite during these hard times are mass gatherings and public outrage pointed towards someone not proven of being guilty.

This is not at all certain.  If we know anything about the mainstream media, it's that you don't need to be proven guilty beyond doubt, as in a court room, for the media to go after you.  You could easily argue that exposing a possible crime against humanity by China would greatly enhance solidarity among and within 'democracies' and make the task of handling the virus easier.  The Western media has never been easy on China, and this treatment would be a first.

If the Westerners are covering up China, why the hell would Trump release several derogatory remarks to them during the spread of the virus?

There are often dissenting voices within Western governments.  Even in the heyday of using artificially cheap Chinese currency and 'globalization' to help support US money and debt, there were voices in the US government against Chinese currency manipulation and against the loss of manufacturing.  Those voices amounted to a slap on the wrist and the mainstream agenda prevailed (as you notice today, even the Trump/belligerent-GOP camp are usually careful to say China released the virus accidentally, at least for now.)

Further (circumstantial) evidence of a co-operation includes the fact that, somehow, all major Western countries allowed the virus to spread until it was too late for containment, and had to shut down their economies.

This is because there were only little information to work with back in February to early March about the virus and how quickly it spreads.

Oh, trust me, there was enough information in the US government.  Even Trump's Peter Navarro wrote a memo about the serious threat by the virus in late January (and that was very late BTW...)

The initial reproduction value of the virus was set at R0>3.0 which was dismissed by several research institutions and placed it to a mediocre R0>0.9 which isn't really a cause for concern for most epidemiological models. This resulted into countries issuing only guidelines for physical distancing and wearing face masks which, of course the citizens gladly disobeyed (the USA is a prime example, heh, spring breaks). Little do they know that this virus will grab them by the pussy (heh) and make things worse than it already is on other countries.

What happened to the US, Spain, Italy and other European countries wasn't an elaborate collaboration to reset the economy by deliberately spreading the virus but rather lack of preparation and their ignorance to the actual numbers re: COVID-19.

If Chris Martenson, who by his own account was only armed with his $100-a-month internet connection, knew by late January that this virus was no joke (asymptomatic transmission, death rates, hospital capacity problems, etc.)  You're saying the US or UK intelligence services were genuinely unaware?  (I would, however, say that it's possible that key people in these services decided not to pass the info to Trump or Johnson, or at least not in a way that would wake them up.  In which case I can assure you there won't be any retribution against those key people.  Heck, Jeffrey Epstein would have got off if he hadn't so addicted to sex!)

Also, the repo market crisis erupted in September, and the Federal Reserve seemed unable to fix it once and for all.  This suggests something deep in the financial system was already broken beyond repair.  In addition, there was a Canadian lab which had a habit of getting its materials 'stolen' by Chinese (as Canada was not subject to strict post-9/11 controls over US labs.)  Its director suddenly died on a business trip to Kenya during the outbreak in China.
Still, this does not explain the collaboration you are mentioning that includes the West and China. Why would they inflict more problems on their already insurmountable financial problems in the first place?

As I've said often in replies to other people above, the 'insurmountable financial problems' were the precise reasons for a reset.  The choice was not between pain and no pain.  The choice was between pain due to controlled vs. uncontrolled downturn.

Heck, stimulus funds, giving aid to all citizens and frontliners while imposing closure of their country's source of profits for.. an economic reset? That does not pan out and will not work out well, amigo.

Very few people understand the true nature of the socio-economic-financial system at work.  (And I think this is by design.)

During the centuries of gold/silver standards, financial resets followed asset crashes simply by assertion that the peg against gold/silver must be defended at all cost, since the 'moral honor' of the nation was at stake.  So resets were almost exclusively done by default, deflation and austerity, and the pain was shouldered by the real economy only.  This was as opposed to a reset by inflation, where the pain would have been spread between the financiers, the politicians and the real economy, but the system's reputation would have taken a hit.  (IMO nothing says that the system is rigged and broken more clearly than when long-running 'truths' that currency is worth so much gold or so much purchasing power are broken via devaluation and inflation.)

The Great Depression was the first time that this lop-sided distribution of pain had to be tempered to some extent.  A combination of more universal voting, a strong labor movement, etc. probably made the difference.  A 'New Deal' was created when the dollar was devalued against gold to create more currency and more inflation, and the new money was used to give government jobs to the unemployed.

Today's bailouts of Wall and Main streets are just various incarnations of the New Deal.  Today's populace will simply not quietly endure the full share of the pain.  This has all become part of the plan.  But whatever flavorings are added to the soup, the mainstay of an economic reset will still be economic pain for the majority of the population (and this too has proved to be the case, so far.)

Ultimately, whether it's the Great Depression or today, the work force needs to be re-purposed away from the demands of a bubble-economy towards those of a more stable (and definitely more modest, initially,) economy.  If most people are bailed out so comfortably that they have no incentives to retool and work, the whole economy will disappear, and that, at least so far, has never happened.
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I think we should learn from this century of crisis But when the crisis is over people forget everything.
Sorry mate but this is unforgettable mark my word,People will never forget thus Virus and will always be remembered because for sure people will always maintain social distancing and maybe wearing ask constantly .

More or less all the countries in the world are in economic crisis later but with the help of other countries they are able to recover but now the whole world is suffering from economic recession together then it will take a long time to solve this economic problem.
there you have already mentioned about economic crisis and will take long time before being solved so this is far different from the message above.
Will not be able to overcome this crisis easily The biggest problem with the virus is a financial problem The situation is getting worse day by day.
well this will take higher and higher until people realizes that they must obey what government trying to impose for their own benefits and for this virus spread may stop and totally gone.
sr. member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 268
I think we should learn from this century of crisis But when the crisis is over people forget everything. More or less all the countries in the world are in economic crisis later but with the help of other countries they are able to recover but now the whole world is suffering from economic recession together then it will take a long time to solve this economic problem. Will not be able to overcome this crisis easily The biggest problem with the virus is a financial problem The situation is getting worse day by day.
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As they always say, ask first, who benefits?

The answer is, both China and the West.  They both suffer from the last stages of a financial asset bubble that needs to be deflated before a disorderly bust happens.  This bust would not only result in even more economic pain than today, but also point the blame directly at the modern system, with central-bank-money at its core.  This would endanger the power and prestige of all major political and financial elites of the world.  The virus is a way to deflate the bubble, reset the system by essentially wiping out the debt, but blame the economic pain on something other than the system's design.

Did it happen?? Certainly no!

Are the debts wiping out from the economy? No!

Are smaller countries like Pakistan or Bangladesh getting more trapped in debt? Yes!

Are all effected countries facing economic crisis and job losses? Yes!

Are the industrial activities suffering from the virus induced lockdown? Yes!

Is black marketing of non-essential goods are on rise? Yes!

Is middle-east suffering from no/less demand of fuel? Yes!

Is there any benefit to any countries either China or the West? - I don't see any!

In short, your key assumption is that things would just go happily as before, if this virus had never made its appearance.

This is certainly the assumption championed implicitly by the mainstream media, economists and politicians.  But is it wise to accept it as given?

No.  Looking through the history of the modern West (say, since 1500,) financial crises, followed by economic crises always happen.  Even at the height of the mighty British Empire, in early to mid-19th century, the center of the system, Britain itself, suffered such a crisis every ten years or so.  Deep systemic crises also visited the US regularly since 1918.  Suffering, often even more serious than today's, would go with each crisis.

Both the centuries of experience and logic say that boom-bust cycles are unavoidable and inherent in the modern system.  (Because of the incentives from the core of the system for members the elites to destabilize the system.)

Do the elites want this suffering of the people?  No.  Is it unavoidable?  Yes.  Is it preferable for them to have a controlled deflation of bubbles than an uncontrolled crash eventually?  Probably yes.
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It appears that many (if not most) Western scientists have a lot of trouble accessing the genomic data of the Coronavirus that is supposedly published but actually controlled:

Difficult to take too seriously when there's like 160 vaccines in development, with many trials happening in the UK, US, Germany, Canada, Australia, etc. That's why I find this conspiracy theory especially hard to believe. There are many thousands of scientists studying this virus and mapping its genome. If there was compelling evidence of lab origin it would be very difficult to keep under wraps.

Still, this doesn't fully explain the numerous complaints from colleagues and associates of James Taylor that they can't get to the data.  Are they having hallucinations?

Does it require full access to the virus genome data to develop vaccines?  Or just data fragments and virus samples?  You tell me.

I watched the section about that "smoking gun." Didn't seem compelling. He's basically like "since we haven't found a nearly identical relative it must have been man-made." He seems really arrogant in assuming the lack of obvious known lineage implies a lab origin, as if humans have even scratched the surface of coronaviruses. Bats alone are believed to carry thousands of them, let alone intermediate species. Some estimates put the number of unknown viruses affecting mammals and birds at 1.6 million! Scientists can't even agree about what viruses are, whether they are alive, or what their origin is. It seems very arrogant to definitively say SARS-COV-2 could not appear in nature.

As they say, if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck...  There are changes in genome that virologists know don't usually come from evolution.  If a species of humans grows a gun at the tip of their fingers, and it just happens these humans can use the gun very effectively to serve a purpose of the powers that be, and we know modern-day labs are capable of making such engineered changes, let's just say, it's at least worth considering that the lab-made hypothesis may be right, regardless of how many thousands of naturally evolved human species may be out there.  There's no need to shout down anyone if the mainstream commentators have the truth as handily as they seem to want to project.  Yet there's plenty of shouting down.  Why?

The gun at the finger is a good analogy of the polybasic furin cleavage site in the genome.

But apart from all that, there's the matter of a (clumsy) attempt at cover up via a virus called RaTG13.  Did you watch that part?  RaTG13 is supposedly a naturally occurring virus that is genetically very close to Coronavirus, that was supposedly discovered in 2013, that was announced only in 2020 when the debate over the origins of Coronavirus heated up.

RaTG13 was supposed to be the star witness that Coronavirus is natural.  Well, it didn't quite work out that way.

First of all, when you discover a virus with these important features, you don't usually keep it unannounced for seven years.  More importantly, an analysis of the genomic differences between Coronovirus and RaTG13, over the last number of weeks of evolution, reveals one is likely a (rather hastily made) copy of the other.  (See the video for details, but the general idea is that the distribution of evolved changes reveals a pattern, rather than being naturally random, that suggests one is a lab copy of the other at some point.)
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And also, China has just started to reap the fruits of their labors, so why would they commit a suicide and go back to step one?

Because it has no alternative.  The modern debt bubble, in any country, is not sustainable, by its very nature (ie incentives for members of the elites to do things that will destabilize the system.)  The choice is between an uncontrolled crash and a controlled demolition.
Activity: 2562
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The new corona virus attacks the immune system virtually identical to HIV/AIDs. I don't think you're disputing this. It also has RNA sequences virtually identical to HIV/AIDs. This is the reason why initially it was treated with anti HIV/AIDs medication. Those span an amazing sequence of "coincidences" for those that believe in coincidence.

this is incorrect. HIV attacks CD4 cells, a specific type of white blood cell. that leads to an inability to fight off infections. SARS-CoV-2 does nothing like that whatsoever. it primarily infects the pharynx, airways, and lungs and often induces inflammatory responses much more similar to autoimmune diseases than diseases characterized by immunosuppression---literal opposites.

Thoughts on the following?:

Novel coronavirus attacks and destroys T cells, just like HIV

Now, a team from the United States and China revealed evidence that the coronavirus disease, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), attacks the immune system’s T lymphocytes. The worrying findings highlight the destructive power of the novel coronavirus, which can destroy the immune system, leaving the patient unable to fight off the infection.

It is an important discovery, knowing the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 on T cells, since this may show why the disease is spreading so quickly, and infecting so many across the globe. It also explains why certain vulnerable populations are at a high risk of dying from the infection, including those who are more than 65, those who are immunocompromised, and those with underlying medical conditions like lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

Further investigation shows that patients who died from COVID-19 had damage to their bodies similar to both SARS and HIV.


Coronavirus has an ‘HIV-like mutation’ which helps it to attack human cells, scientists claim

the new coronavirus aims for an enzyme called furin – the same enzyme attacked by HIV and ebola. Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University found genes in Covid-19 which did not exist in SARS but can be found in both of the viruses responsible for spreading HIV and ebola,

‘This finding suggests that 2019-nCoV [the new coronavirus] may be significantly different from the Sars coronavirus in the infection pathway,’ the scientists said in their paper. ‘This virus may use the packing mechanisms of other viruses such as HIV.’ The mutation could be ‘the reason why SARS-CoV-2 is more infectious than other coronaviruses’.
Activity: 714
Merit: 14
Of course, all data about the virus is strictly classified. Blaming China for the development of this virus is dangerous. Surprisingly, in China, the peak incidence has long passed. This means that China was ready for such a situation. We will follow the news, perhaps after preventing the epidemiological situation, countries will begin investigations where we learn something new.
Of course, without strong evidence, no one can throw blames or accuse China or a particular group of people to be responsible for the outbreak of COVID 19. Lots of misconceptions have been drawn since the outbreak but I'm not for the notion that COVID 19 was specifically designed to reset the world's financial status.
full member
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Of course, all data about the virus is strictly classified. Blaming China for the development of this virus is dangerous. Surprisingly, in China, the peak incidence has long passed. This means that China was ready for such a situation. We will follow the news, perhaps after preventing the epidemiological situation, countries will begin investigations where we learn something new.
The truth is all the data regarding the virus are public, all the major countries are struggling and there is no classified information in finding out a vaccine, if you are talking about the data about the number of deaths in China then it is true considering the spread in other countries but other than that everything about the virus is public data.

I think the debate whether the virus comes from the lab is dead end because China don't want to cooperate with this investigation. However, we will know the truth maybe not now, but maybe in the future when a lot of studies and research are dedicated to it. Because right now, the focus is finding the vaccine and a potent medicine to cure the infected. So all the other conspiracy theories will remain as it is for the mean time.
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