how can you prove you've made music?
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1M artist pool. To be distributed to each musician that contributes. 1M/200 = 5000 each. This will of course be centralized (and issued by me). It will be transparent, open and verifiable.
Ok my 2 sats:
You can prove you've made any individual original piece by producing a cryptographic signature of the original file, although I'm still not sure how this could be translated into a decentralised reward mechanism without opening security/legality issues though.
Centralisation does suck, but I'm having extreme trouble wrapping my head around an actually decentralised way to do so without screwing up the blockchain. It may be a huge job, but perhaps new tx types, like Namecoin uses for name_new, name_firstupdate etc...
Just spitballing ideas, could we integrate some kind of decentralised voting mechanism for reward of artists? This could integrate with the in-wallet player concept nicely at least - people can upload files and signatures, but unless it gets majority-voted it'll get pruned perhaps? Obviously there is room for abuse, but if the network is strong enough (perhaps we open up staking when people are playing music or something) then it should be able to withstand it.
A voting system is interesting, but it seems prone to exploitation? ie, in order to be accepted as a contribution, do you go with %50 of votes?
Centralized issuance from an artist pool is also exploitable. Contributors can just create psuedonyms and look they are several people. You don't want to encourage that.
@soundposition. The problem with systems like hashing files, is that it's difficult to determine what makes it "music". A hash doesn't reveal it. And then you need to start thinking. If you have a file, how can you cryptographically prove that it is music? So, yes. If you have a mp3 of the song you just made: you put it on btproof. If someone in the future uses your song, you can then prove you originally made it. But it is still human *ears* that have to do arbitration. A computer won't know. Or rather, the blockchain can't know.
A possible idea, is to use audo fingerprinting. And that can only be sampled, if played. Something like the number stations: This guy has a similar idea. More experiments:
If the blockchain *can* know. ie if it sees a file, it can legitimately discover that it is indeed music, it still brings into the question of what you reward. Someone can create a shitty 1 note 10-min song and that will "music". Or a 1 sec blip. It will all look like music, but because rewards are explicitly tied into the blockchain with it, it incentives "attacks" like that.
These are high level theory that's going to be difficult to solve. It's worth a try. Perhaps in the next 5 years someone does solve it, then we can just fork again?
I think for now. Just to get the economics back up to scratch we keep it simple?
btw. New tune from Bucksnot!
Damn you guys keep posting. Can't keep up.