Reality Check:- Emma Woodhouse --> Satoshi Nakamoto
- handsome, clever, and rich, --> notably anonymous, innovative, and enigmatically shy,
- with a comfortable home and happy disposition, --> with impellent drive of abounding alacrity,
- seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; --> promulgated to abrogate the Achilles' heels of fiat currency;
- and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world --> and had endured untold years hopscotching to secure cyberspace,
- with very little to distress or vex her. --> ordained to supplant the unitarily-commissioned global currency reserves.
Reality CheckExcellent question. (If "reality" is reasonable to apply to this prim rose path. )
Line 1 : the subject
Line 2 : personal attributes of the subject
Line 3 : continued attributes of the subject
Line 4
On Emma's side : describes a nebulous attribute of the subject
On Satoshi's side : describes an action taken by an unknown actor about the subject
Line 5
On Emma's side : describes the span of time and domain pertinent to the subject.
On Satoshi's side : describes the span of time and an action taken by the subject for a goal in a domain.
Line 6
On Emma's side : describes the conditions the subject encountered.
On Satoshi's side : describes in more details the goal required of the subject by an unknown actor.
So, the semantic structure has drifted a bit.
That thought has somewhat occurred to me, hence the "Reality Check". You're valuable contribution, JesseChisholm, is duly noted. I'm going to be out of pocket for a few hours, but when I return this evening, I'm going to work on this further, for your valid points do need addressing.
I guess Line 5 is a simple fix, as well.
and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world
and had endured untold years in a fiat currency world
now revising all to... (sans Line 6)
Satoshi Nakamoto, notably anonymous, innovative, and enigmatically shy, with impellent drive of abounding alacrity, appeared to disrupt the status quo; and had endured untold years in a fiat currency world
Line 6 stills needs to be addressed
Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.