See changelog for details.
BigInteger Be Gone!
This release introduced a new code for Elliptic Curve Cryptography that also solves issue #9.
Effectively this brings a ton of optimization to almost all options, mainly the mnemonic recovery and
Base16 rcovery. But also any option that required an ICompareService that used ECC.
By getting rid of the old ECC code and BigInteger this also solves the pressure on garbage collector
and lets FinderOuter utilize the entire CPU power during parallelism.
Speed gain in this release is usually around 200% compared to previous releases.
Good news is that this is the initial step for more optimization! For example the current ECC implementation
uses radix 226 and contstant time operations, changing to radix 252 and using variable time operations, etc
will improve the speed more.
Some additional changes:
- Path recovery can now accept any extended keys (xprv, ypub, zprv, ?pub, ...)
- It is now possible to recover a WIF missing up to 11 characters from the end
- Reports generated by MissingEncoding option are improved
- Various code improvements and tests
- From this version we are also releasing binaries for 3 operating systems (Linux, Windows and MacOs all x64)