that is one of the main problems I have with libertarians and many people who dont understand math. Chaotic, does not equate to perfect randomness. A tree growing is chaotic, but in the end, the end result will be very tree like. If it was random, sometimes a tree would look like a bear. The only thing chaotic math says is that your answers will be in probabilities rather than exact numbers. THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT UNPREDICTABLE, just less exact.
Think of it this way. The normal non libertarian weather man, gives us weather reports. He gives us the probability it will rain based on what happened the last time conditions where this way. It does mean he is never officially wrong. But generally speaking if he says there is an 80% chance of rain, it most likely will rain that day.
with your totally random method.. say flipping a coin, you are going to be wrong about half the time, way way way way way worse than the weather man and his chaotic system.
it drives me absolutely nuts to read milton or mises and listen to them claim that chaos is totally unpredictable and as such totally useless in economics. Do they not grab a fucking umbrella when the weather man says 80% chance of rain? why the fuck do they think he gives percentages? Chaotic math is not the every day math we are used to, just like realitivity described a time we are not used to in our every day non light speed traveling lives. That doesnt make chaotic math wrong or useless or equated with randomness.