Hey Herodes,
I just made some comments on your thread. Even though it is pretty late, I hope it helps. Please feel free to reach out if you have more questions.
If religion was all about love to your God, and it was all a mental thing, there would be no need for churches, and all accessories that goes with a religion.
Depends on what religion you talk about. If you talk about the Christian faith, then it is all about the love God has for us and all we as followers do is a response to that.
It's sad that a God-fearing man goes regularily to church to get closer to his maker. He could've been just as close to his God in his couch at home.
If you are talking about Christians then the maker is already inside of them. Yes, they could have just been on the sofa but there is something special of worshipping and mingling with other believers that you cannot do at home.
I think it's rather sad that in 2012, so many people put their belief in something that doesn't exist. You may pray, and you may feel that your prayers were heard,
and things turn for the better in your life, but most of the time, the prayers are futile, and the only one that can change anything in your life is yourself.
That is your belief that God does not exist. Why not put it to the test and pray yourself to Jesus if he is real. He will surely answer your prayer.
Will the earth ever come to a point where people are so educated that they understand that science is the only true answer, and that everything else is fairytales ?
Science will never tell you about purpose in life and what will happen with your soul after you died.
As much as I respect any Christian or any devoted religious person from any other religion (I may think his belief is a joke, but I would never say it to his face to force a confrontation in disrespect), I don't think any religions should have any special protection under the law.
Agree, every human should be treated equal and have the rights to express his/her worldview.
As an atheist, I don't think your religion defines whether you're a good person or not, that's more down to the person itself, and the values you've been taught in your upbringing, and what you've learned through your education.
Based on the bible no person on this planet can get to God because we are all not “holy”. But thankfully he sent Jesus to reconcile us with him.